No Doing So Well

Cateyez Posts: 7
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
It is hard to believe it has been five days since I joined! I was excited. Since I joined I have not had time to work out. Everyday it is something. I am still trying to eat right, but finding the time to workout just isn't happening. Like today, I have a fews things to do afterwork. By the time I get home it will probably be 7pm. Once I arrive I will have the family waiting on me. Honestly I don't like to work out to late because I think that keeps me up and I am trying to go to bed around 10:00 or 10:30 the lastest. i use to go to bed at 11:30 or 12:00 and back up at 5:30. So I am trying to do better with my sleep as well. Do anyone have trouble going to sleep at a decent hour if they work out after 7pm?


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Get up 30 minutes earlier. I hate getting up early with a PASSION. But, I get up 30 minutes earlier than I used to just so I can be 100% sure I'll get in 30 minutes of exercise no matter how the rest of my day goes. Sometimes I have time for more exercise later, sometimes I don't. But I always get 30 minutes. No excuses when that alarm clock goes off no matter how much I don't want to crawl out of my warm bed onto my freezing floor. :laugh:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    I work out in the evening at times (always work out during the first half of The Biggest Loser--on at 8pm here) and haven't had a problem getting to sleep. I go to bed between 10 and 10:30. Everyone is different, though, so you'll just have to try it and see.
  • I have trouble sleeping period but there are times that I can fall asleep after working out that late. I think one thing that you could do that late that doesn't seem to give me any additional energy is weights. Get a few hand weights and then while you are unwinding in front of the TV before bed, do some bicep curls and shoulder presses and tricep extensions. Then do some crunches, take a 10 min warm bath and off to bed you go. Altogether, it may take you all of 30 minutes for that whole thing but at least you did something. Also I find that if I can get myself up at least 45 to 30 minutes early and do a fitness tape, jump rope, or a brisk walk in the snow, I feel better all day! And you may have more time to get ready because you are awake and can get moving to get out the door, your brain will be awake for your day and you will feel more focused and alert. Then if you have a little lunch take a walk around your building a couple of times, inside or out; that will give you more energy to finish your day without the hassle of going to the gym, changing clothes and then trying to fly home at a late hour. I try to fit in movement all day long and that seems to help me!
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    I work full time, have a teenage son and a husband to take care of. After I leave work at 5 pm, I go home, cook dinner, eat and then around 7 - 7:30 I go to the local YMCA to workout for an hour. I have an 1 1/2 hour a night that belongs to me so I can workout. I have made it very clear to my family that I'm serious about this and they understand that it's important to me and my health and I will make exercise a priority in my life. Heck, my son workouts with me sometimes too. I have to tell you that I'm still in bed by 10:30 and I sleep better than I have in a long time. Having said that, you MUST be determined and make exercise a priority in your life. Make time for it. If you don't have time to go to the gym, there are plenty of online videos you can watch and exercise at home or get outside and walk for at least 30 minutes every day. No excuses! If you're serious about getting fit and healthy, then get going! I wish you the best of luck.
  • And remember..Every little thing you do burns calories. Errands after work, work itself, taking care of your family, laundry, dishes, etc. Its all moving and burning. You can do it!
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    No, I actually workout between 7-9pm depending on when I can start (usually 45-55 minute workouts) and I am always in bed by 10:30....of course I don't have any kids so I don't have to worry about homework or anything. If I am running really late I just do a 30 minute workout. I usually take a hot bath after my workouts and that makes me sleepy.
  • I am new to this site today, started my weight loss journey yesterday.

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  • I'm in the exact same position as you!!!! I absolutely cannot find the time. I just posted a blog about the same thing. It's so hard. I have a two and a half year old son and a one year old son. By the time I get them to bed at 8:30, I'm whipped!!! I just want to sleep!!! I need to get off my butt and stop using my busy lifestyle as an excuse too, just like you. Like kechevarria said below, you HAVE to make time if you really want this. I have almost the same amount of weight to lose as you. It's not as much as others, but it seems so unreachable!!! I'm at my desk right now and I stood up and did 5 squats and sat down. I have a reminder on my calender every 45 minutes. Each one says something different.
    "Get up and Stretch"
    "Go get a glass of water"
    "Do 5 squats"
    "Do 5 push ups"
    "Eat a piece of fruit and stretch"
    "10 leg lifts on each Side"
    "Do 10 crunches"
    "Read through your goals"
    "5 jumping Jacks"

    So I know it sounds crazy silly, but the gals in my office are super supportive. Every little bit helps. If you add all of this up that I'm doing a little bit at a time it helps. I'm sure it doesn't help quite as much as doign a hard core qorkout for 30 minutes.... but when you're limited on time you have to think outside the box and get creative!!! I know you can do it :)
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    I have a hard time finding a way to workout during the work week. I commute an hour each way and work 4 ten hour days. By the time I get home, I have to fix Supper and help my little girl with homework and starting getting her ready for bed. If I work out in the evening I can just forget about sleep that night. I had to adjust my workout goals. I usually rise at about 5 am, now I get up at 4:45 and try to get in a 15-30 minute workout before I go to work. At work I have been making an effort to spend alot more time running up and down the stairs. On my three days off I make myelf work out for a full hour each of those three days. I think between all of that I am getting in enough exercise. I must admit, anything I do beats where I was t last month. Good luck, I know you will find yourself with more energy once you find the time to make it happen!!
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    I like your ideas of putting little reminders by your desk. Great idea...thanks for sharing!! :flowerforyou:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you and angelwings2000 I commute an hour each way, work long hours and have a family to take care of when I do get home. In the summer I have a second job which tends (like my day job) to keep me tied to a computer.

    When I was super busy in November and December I just dieted and walked the stairs here at the office. It's only four flights and I can barely make it to the top but I tried to do that a few times a week at first, then every day and finally a couple times a day.

    Since the first of the year I've had more time (no more 16 hour work days!). I've been trying to be ON the elliptical machine by 5:10 every morning and I stay on at least 20 minutes.

    I have to get into bed no later than ten if I'm going to get up at 5... My family is starting to catch on- this morning my husband made me a healthy lunch and packed it for me while I was working out. I've been dieting since October and he's just now starting to really step up and not pretend like this all just some phase I'm going through...

  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm in the exact same position as you!!!! I absolutely cannot find the time. I just posted a blog about the same thing. It's so hard. I have a two and a half year old son and a one year old son. By the time I get them to bed at 8:30, I'm whipped!!! I just want to sleep!!! I need to get off my butt and stop using my busy lifestyle as an excuse too, just like you. Like kechevarria said below, you HAVE to make time if you really want this. I have almost the same amount of weight to lose as you. It's not as much as others, but it seems so unreachable!!! I'm at my desk right now and I stood up and did 5 squats and sat down. I have a reminder on my calender every 45 minutes. Each one says something different.
    "Get up and Stretch"
    "Go get a glass of water"
    "Do 5 squats"
    "Do 5 push ups"
    "Eat a piece of fruit and stretch"
    "10 leg lifts on each Side"
    "Do 10 crunches"
    "Read through your goals"
    "5 jumping Jacks"

    So I know it sounds crazy silly, but the gals in my office are super supportive. Every little bit helps. If you add all of this up that I'm doing a little bit at a time it helps. I'm sure it doesn't help quite as much as doign a hard core qorkout for 30 minutes.... but when you're limited on time you have to think outside the box and get creative!!! I know you can do it :)
    Love this idea...........(still learning how to quote a reply) I may have to program some reminders into my Outlook.
  • It's been two weeks since my last post. I was really feeling overwhelmed. I was feeling like I did not have time for ME! I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and get back on track. Thank all of you for your encouragment. It's good to know I am not alone. I have made a vow to make myself a priority and not feel gulity because I chose to take 1 hour of my day for me!
  • I have found, just in the month or so that I've been working out, that my me time IS the gym. I go to the gym, plug in and just go to it. Sometimes I only have time for a 30 minute workout by the time I get out of work before the gym closes, but at least I'm there doing SOMETHING. Thankfully I get out of work early tomorrow and I can get a nice workout in. I didn't think going to the gym would be such a big deal but I can REALLY tell when I haven't worked out for a week. I feel tired and have trouble getting motivated... kinda like today...

    It's become something of an addiction now. I just force myself to go, even for ten minutes, and usually I end up doing the half hour or hour workout that I love so much. I always feel better, too, and I sleep better when I've been working out.
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