Input on my program!

Hello all,

First post on here, you all seem like a friendly lot :)

I'm looking to get more serious on my weight training. I live in Uganda and use a local gym so mostly accessing free weights. I'm 5'4", female and about 135 lbs. I'm a beginner on this but not scared by the muscle bound blokes hogging the weight bench!

I am constantly pushing myself on weight, trying to lift heavy as I can. I know most of MFPs users are American so I'll try to change to lbs where I can.

Today, I did:
10 min cardio (boring!)
5x5 squats with 30 kg barbell (about 65 lbs)
3x12 bench press with 20 kg barbell (45 lbs)
4x10 deadlifts with 25 kg barbell (55 lbs)
2x12 bicep curls with 8 kg (17 lbs, I usually use 10kg but they were being hogged all eve)
some crunches (boring!)

Not bad, but I essentially do the same routine a few times a week and would love suggestions on how to mix things up. My gym has limited equipment other than the free weights, though there is a leg press.

My goals are improving general fitness and toning up - especially shoulders, glutes and abs.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Bookmarking so I can say something worthwhile tomorrow as I'm cooked for the day.

    Hopefully the bump attracts some advice from others in the meantime.

    Edited to add: you're off to a very solid start. Great job by you!
  • Cheers! Looking forward to hearing more ideas.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    You should definitely vary the reps and intensity from week to week a bit.
    If you go in and do the same thing every time, you aren't going to continue getting results.

    I'd also work from a light weight up to a heavier one. Doing 5 sets of 5 with the same weight each week isn't doing much.
    Start with the bar for a set of 5. Then add some weight, and get 5. Repeat. Challenge yourself.
  • You should definitely vary the reps and intensity from week to week a bit.
    If you go in and do the same thing every time, you aren't going to continue getting results.

    I'd also work from a light weight up to a heavier one. Doing 5 sets of 5 with the same weight each week isn't doing much.
    Start with the bar for a set of 5. Then add some weight, and get 5. Repeat. Challenge yourself.

    Thanks - I do up the weight as soon as I can easily finish the set, but I never thought about upping the weight throughout a set. Thats really helpful and just the kind of tips I need - cheers!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    As a beginner, I'd suggest you wait awhile before you start laddering weights due to weight selection being so difficult as a beginner. A linear progression can be followed so that you avoid stagnation, but it's very important that the beginner spends a few weeks learning about weight selection for specific exercises, reps/sets and their individual ability.
    With the release of New Rules, a lot of people are switching their workouts on a weekly/daily basis, but even New Rules insists that a beginner follows a strict repeated workout for several weeks.

    You've not mentioned your rest periods, or tempo. Two variables that are arguably as important as sets and reps.

    Even though shoulders are one of your goals, there is little representation in your workout.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Best for a beginner to just follow a properly written beginner routine. You can find a couple here
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Best for a beginner to just follow a properly written beginner routine. You can find a couple here

    This is actually a really good idea. Find a program that suits you. Write/print it out. Follow it, writing down the weights you use. Watch the numbers rise.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Best for a beginner to just follow a properly written beginner routine. You can find a couple here

    well said
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    saving for later.
  • melanieparker13
    melanieparker13 Posts: 110 Member
    bump for later
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Hello all,

    First post on here, you all seem like a friendly lot :)

    I'm looking to get more serious on my weight training. I live in Uganda and use a local gym so mostly accessing free weights. I'm 5'4", female and about 135 lbs. I'm a beginner on this but not scared by the muscle bound blokes hogging the weight bench!

    I am constantly pushing myself on weight, trying to lift heavy as I can. I know most of MFPs users are American so I'll try to change to lbs where I can.

    Today, I did:
    10 min cardio (boring!)
    5x5 squats with 30 kg barbell (about 65 lbs)
    3x12 bench press with 20 kg barbell (45 lbs)
    4x10 deadlifts with 25 kg barbell (55 lbs)
    2x12 bicep curls with 8 kg (17 lbs, I usually use 10kg but they were being hogged all eve)
    some crunches (boring!)

    Not bad, but I essentially do the same routine a few times a week and would love suggestions on how to mix things up. My gym has limited equipment other than the free weights, though there is a leg press.

    My goals are improving general fitness and toning up - especially shoulders, glutes and abs.

    Some solid advice in here. Good to see.

    I like your routine but I would add a bit more work to it. Let's get some overhead presses in there for shoulders, some chin ups or lat pull downs for back work and some close grip benches or bench dips for triceps work.

    Another idea is to mix it up a bit. On alternate days, do lunges instead of squats, bent rows instead of deadlifts, and incline bench or dumbbell bench for chest.

    Keep up the great work!
  • Huge thanks to everyone who has pitched in to help. I'll definitely be looking into your suggestions and putting them to work at the gym!

    Would love it if those who saved for later pop back in with advice :)

    J x
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Best for a beginner to just follow a properly written beginner routine. You can find a couple here

    well said

    Agree with both of them.

    You're not off to a bad start at all but I think if you're going to take the time to do a program like that then follow something like StrongLifts 5x5 or Starting Strength because it's a better structured and help with...

    - How to progress
    - Pairing exercises
    - Session splits (what to do on each day)