Head Cold

mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
My marathon is on Sunday, today - I've got head congestion, runny nose, watery eyes, and head ache. Any quick fixes? I've been taking zinc for a week, taking extra vitamin c and washing hands well. Guess with the rest of the family having this it was inevitable. Any ideas ?


  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    Aslong as you're not allergic i'd reccomend decongestant nasal sprays, Sudafed blocked nose spray is my absolute lifesaver as I have sinus problems and get really congested. Also decongestant tablets are quite good but I find they make me really thirsty. Normally I'd say don't train if you're ill but obviously with a marathon on Sunday you won't want to back out for anything. Good luck x
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Garlic, ginger and cayenne pepper.

    I caught the really nasty cold that was going around and I've been making myself a "cold fix soup". Chicken broth with onion, garlic, ginger, cayenne pepper and noodles. And the other day I also added cabbage and carrots to the mix. Actually tastes pretty good and I think it is helping. I'm down to just a cough now (went through the sore throat and stuffed up phase before). At least I'm hoping I'm down to just a cough and will be over it pretty soon.

    But there really isn't anything you can do as a quick fix. I mean, you can try to do stuff to help it pass but your body really just has to kick it and it might take some time. But take extra vitamin c and vitamin d (there are studies that say vit. d does and doesn't help but I still take it anyways, though during winter I also take it for other reasons) and try soup with garlic and ginger if you want and hope it passes quickly.
  • theshow4jsu
    theshow4jsu Posts: 380 Member
    Use a netti pot. Looks weird and a bit traumatizing, but nothing works better to clear the nose out.