Losing last 20 pounds, please ADD ME. :)



  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    is 151 friends not enough?????

    Let them have more if they want. I have a lot too but it's because I don't turn people down or expect my friends to perform. They can come and go as they please, login as they please, my only stipulation is do not judge the food I eat or my calorie level or I will close my diary. I've been maintaining as a healthy, vibrant, lean and fit for over a year and it works for me and if people think they can learn from me so be it. But I'm nothing special, all it takes is a calorie deficit and exercise to make your lean body mass pretty (especially weight lifting). I eat what ever I want, mostly healthy, no special macro planning except enough protein (not extra) within a calorie budget.
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    Already friended, but... You got this! I have to tell you, when you get to where you want to be there will be somewhere else you want to go. It's human nature... All I'm saying is it's a process - I have seen lots of posts of your workouts through MFP -- seems like you can definitely take this one home. You just gotta stick with it.

    I am down from about 194 in Late April to 166 today and joined here at 168(originally 168 was my goal) after logging in a googledoc for my nutritionist for many months (which was way less accurate). I put my goal at 163 because I think it's a combination of the cardio and the strength training - sometimes i think I need to lose more, sometimes I think I need to tone what I have...

    Anyway with my sugar addiction, the fact that I am 40 and that my wife is a great cook, if I can do it, you definitely can! And I'm in awe of some of the success stories on here, like californiagirl or many others.

    Hope you get the friends you're looking for :)
  • loopingcaterpillar
    loopingcaterpillar Posts: 156 Member
    is 151 friends not enough?????

    Let them have more if they want. I have a lot too but it's because I don't turn people down or expect my friends to perform. They can come and go as they please, login as they please, my only stipulation is do not judge the food I eat or my calorie level or I will close my diary. I've been maintaining as a healthy, vibrant, lean and fit for over a year and it works for me and if people think they can learn from me so be it. But I'm nothing special, all it takes is a calorie deficit and exercise to make your lean body mass pretty (especially weight lifting). I eat what ever I want, mostly healthy, no special macro planning except enough protein (not extra) within a calorie budget.

    oh its fine to have lots of people i guess, but asking for more in the introduce yourself place? lols i agree with your views on calories though :P
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    is 151 friends not enough?????

    Let them have more if they want. I have a lot too but it's because I don't turn people down or expect my friends to perform. They can come and go as they please, login as they please, my only stipulation is do not judge the food I eat or my calorie level or I will close my diary. I've been maintaining as a healthy, vibrant, lean and fit for over a year and it works for me and if people think they can learn from me so be it. But I'm nothing special, all it takes is a calorie deficit and exercise to make your lean body mass pretty (especially weight lifting). I eat what ever I want, mostly healthy, no special macro planning except enough protein (not extra) within a calorie budget.

    oh its fine to have lots of people i guess, but asking for more in the introduce yourself place? lols i agree with your views on calories though :P

    He does this every couple months. Starts several threads like this. Gets a bunch of friends. Starts making inappropriate posts, gets found out, deactivates, starts over with a new profile. This is at least his fourth profile in the last few months. Just be aware that people aren't always what they seem on internet forums.