Starting over got such a surprizing comment today

Today is my 5th day back after a 3 month backslide. I was doing so tremendous from January/February 2012 until late May.I lost almost 20 pounds in those first 6 months and dropped several jean sizes as well. Well, I was too aggressive with my exercising (just trying to be a super shero or something of that ilk) and hurt my foot pretty badly, then my knee in April. Then Life started "getting in the way" and I got super busy and the bottom line was I punked out on my "newlifestyle" and went back to my old ways of eating ( lots and lots of coffees loaded with flavored creams (I've been a creamy fattening coffee addict all my adult life) I re-started drinking it all day and even sometimes at night, eating out (fatty fast foods) a lot, far more than cooking at home, eating tons of sweets, not getting a good night's sleep and the final dagger in my success was I completely stopped exercising, even when my foot and knee was better. Those poor eating and drinking choices combined with my not exercising/sedentary (okay being a lazy bum:grumble: ) nor even walking daily. All of these negatives and "petting and pampering an unhealthy and obesity calling lifestyle" caused me to gain back almost ALL of the pounds I lost. I gained back 16 pounds of the 20 I had worked to lose.

So, I re-dedicated my life to health and wholeness 5 days ago today. I'm jumping off my renewed journey with an Organic Total Body Cleanse. It's 14 day cleanse and WOW...I'm feeling really really much better inside, I've done cleanses before, but this one is really terrific. I got on the scale today and see that I've lost 2 1/2 pounds already. YES, it's water weight, but I'll take it--BIGTIME take it! :love: and I'm looking much better already I reckon, cause today I was in a store looking for some tops, and couldn't find the size I wanted--they were all gone, so I asked the sales woman if she had anymore in the back? She said "What size do you need--a MEDIUM"????????

I said, a MEDIUM???? I told her I LOVED HER and that she made my day and told her I needed an extra large. She said "REALLY" I don't think so. I said you're a sweet angel, but an extra large for sure. She got one for me. Unfortunately, it FIT! :embarassed:

This is such a success story for me, because I haven't had any of the "stuff" that is okay for some, but no so much for me in 5 days now, dropped 2 1/2 pound (again, admittedly water weight) and got a super encouraging compliment to boot, I'll be in that medium one day, I'm taking it one day at a time and got my mind made to do this thang until I reach my goal--WOO-HOO!


  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    The JOY continues...

    This is my first (week) official weight-in:

    Pounds lost: 4.6 and my body fat percentage went down from 37 to 34!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :heart: :love: :bigsmile: :happy: :glasses:
  • congratulations, u have to start somewhere, u got this, go buy that medium, you will fit into it soon! I have faith in you, you can fall 8 times, but you will always get back up 9 times!
  • MimiCro
    MimiCro Posts: 96 Member
    I love the comments or ladys in the store.
    specially when they r not trying to sell something.

    is there a link to that cleanse?

    stick to it, im looking forward to c how u do!
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Yes, buy that medium. I bought a beautiful pink silk shirt that gapped a little at the bust line. 6 weeks later it fits!
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    wow, I could have written this! A year ago I was really inot portion control and healthy eating and the lbs were dropping off. I was asked EVERY day about my weight loss and I felt SO good. I lost 64lbs and I was halfway there! Then my mom and best friend both became terminally ill and I was both of their caretakers. I hung in there with my good eating habits and would walk the hospital garages for exercise but at the end it was too much and I reverted to eating whatever, whenever and every day I seemed to gain weight and feel worse. 4 weeks ago I wasnt able to wear my work uniform pants zipped all the way! SO embarassing too. I have a job thats very public and I know people were dissapointed in me. Anyway, something finally clicked in my head last week (the week of my friends 1 year passing anniversary, ironically) and I just quit overeating and making bad choices. I lost 8lbs!!!! Water IM sure but who cares! So good luck to us, your story really inspires me to stay on this path!
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    The JOY continues...

    This is my first (week) official weight-in:

    Pounds lost: 4.6 and my body fat percentage went down from 37 to 34!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :heart: :love: :bigsmile: :happy: :glasses:

    So great to see you back, that's a huge first step...keep with it, you know how to get there and your body will respond to that :)
  • OTchic
    OTchic Posts: 205 Member
    congrats at giving this another shot and losing weight so quickly!! you can do this!!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    congratulations, u have to start somewhere, u got this, go buy that medium, you will fit into it soon! I have faith in you, you can fall 8 times, but you will always get back up 9 times!

    :heart: plymouth2119 :heart:

    Your post means more to me than you will ever know! Thank you so much for replying:flowerforyou:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I love the comments or ladys in the store.
    specially when they r not trying to sell something.

    is there a link to that cleanse?

    stick to it, im looking forward to c how u do!

    Hi Mimicro~

    Exactly, she wasn't trying to sell me anything, and I really didn't even think of that before you said it....that makes me smile all the more, even though it was a few days ago!

    Cleanses and things like that are VERY hit and miss...I've tried a few, but this one is really really terrific (for/to me). I'm on Day 7 and it's three bottles of pills to take. It's extremely gentle on/in me and the reason I love it so much is my "gut" (ya innerds :sick: (YUCK, Right? ), but my "gut" feels soooo GOOD. Kinda ummm, clean and/or ummmm (it's hard to describe) like something I can't quite describe, but it's fabulous!

    It's called:

    Organic Total Body Cleanse by Renew Life person's treasure is another person's trash and our bodies are PERFECTLY made to cleanse itself exactly as it should , I TOTALLY know and agree with this, but needed and wanted something to jumpstart this reboot. Also, VERY IMPORTANT...I am being sure to super be eating properly and drinking oceans of water duirng this time (and will continue doing do after the cleanse) also and am following the directions to a T--I "think" all of these essential things has played a big part in my looking and feeling so much better as well as as dropping the 4.6 pounds (WATER WEIGHT...I KNOW) and the body fat % droppage from 37% to 34% I also KNOW that scales are NOT the be all and end all and not "scientific"--but I'm taking it baby--big time:bigsmile: , not just the organic cleanse :flowerforyou: and be sure to read all of the reviews if you get a chance.

    ETA: I got mine from a health food store, rather than on-line and it was on sale for $25.00. Also, here's some amazon reviews too:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    wow, I could have written this! A year ago I was really inot portion control and healthy eating and the lbs were dropping off. I was asked EVERY day about my weight loss and I felt SO good. I lost 64lbs and I was halfway there! Then my mom and best friend both became terminally ill and I was both of their caretakers. I hung in there with my good eating habits and would walk the hospital garages for exercise but at the end it was too much and I reverted to eating whatever, whenever and every day I seemed to gain weight and feel worse. 4 weeks ago I wasnt able to wear my work uniform pants zipped all the way! SO embarassing too. I have a job thats very public and I know people were dissapointed in me. Anyway, something finally clicked in my head last week (the week of my friends 1 year passing anniversary, ironically) and I just quit overeating and making bad choices. I lost 8lbs!!!! Water IM sure but who cares! So good luck to us, your story really inspires me to stay on this path!

    :heart: Dona Gail :heart:

    THANK YOU so much for sharing your story and {{{{Hugs}}} for your loss...I so can relate to you too! Your enthusiasm and words encourage me so much and I'm proud of you for slapping defeat it's face, despite the heartache and hardship and losing 8 HUGE pounds. You rock, period. Thank you again so much for posting!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Didn't see this the other day.. Congratulations! Compliments from strangers are the best!! Glad to hear your clense is going well and welcome back :smile: P.S. LOVE your profile picture!
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    Welcome back...falling off the wagon is sooooooo easy to do...Personally, I have come to the conclusion that based on my own previous history, I will probably have to be logging in and measuring my food for the rest of my life...otherwise...:sad:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Thank to you ALL...everyone of you wonderful people for replying--it means so much to me! :flowerforyou:

    What I'm doing this time, that I didn't do last time is eating more meals, BUT smaller calories wise, ya know 200-400 calories per meals instead of low cals for some and HUGE (800-1000)calories for dinner or breakfast, lunch. I didn't do that last time. I'm finding that in just this one week/first week back of eating 6 smaller meals with lower cals instead of 2-3 meals of HUGE cals is doing something wonderful in/for me:

    1.) I'm getting fuller faster/my inner tummy MUST be shrinking, because it's amazing to be completely full/satisfied with an nice sized apple and some small bag of nuts and a 16.9 oz bottle of water:embarassed: BUT filled I have been!

    2.) My energy seems to be increasing doing this, I'm not feeling a sluggish as I usually do.

    3.) My mind isn't CONSTANTLY on food/aka thinking about what I'm going to eat or want to eat as much.

    Blessing and Good things to you ALL...thanks again guys, you ALL rock, period.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Great job getting back up on that horse! I think I will also have to log forever...its too easy for me to let my calories increase when I am not strictly paying attention!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Welcome back...falling off the wagon is sooooooo easy to do...Personally, I have come to the conclusion that based on my own previous history, I will probably have to be logging in and measuring my food for the rest of my life...otherwise...:sad:

    Great job getting back up on that horse! I think I will also have to log forever...its too easy for me to let my calories increase when I am not strictly paying attention!

    Ya know what? Honestly, I called myself "taking a break" from logging due to "life/busy season in my life" and initially while no longer logging on, I still did very good, BUT...after a couple of weeks of not logging my food I started telling myself it doesn't matter and I can't be "logging my food forever" and I can handle it--and probably once I reach my ultimate goal I will, but I was deceiving myself and the lack of accountability from my " Mfp friends and sisters" it was easier and easier to start pigging-out (literally). So, I'm with y'all....I will need to log for sometime to come.
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