Weight lifting for losing weight? GIRLS

So does weight lifting actually burn fat? and I dont want to get muscles in my arms arrrhhh. HELP!


  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    First of all you will not get guns like a guy because 1st we don't have the same build as a guy and 2nd we don't produce as much testosterone, so it is almost impossible to get huge muscular arms, definition, definitely.
    Second of all; Yes you do lose weight when you lift because your muscles need energy to repair hence burns the fat around it. I've seen many weightlifting women that look fantastic and feminine and defined
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    the weight lifting doesnt burn fat. that's done through diet. muscle doesn't use fat to repair itself, it uses protein.

    i can gain muscle easily if i'm eating correctly (high protein and a bit over my TDEE) AND lifting weights for hypertrophy (medium-medium heavy weights, high reps)

    but now that i'm losing weight, i lift heavy weight with low reps and eat below my TDEE. this way i'm preserving as much of my lean body mass while i lose weight.

    also when lifting, your muscles will store glycogen and water so the change on the scale will be slow but as long as you're eating at a deficit and effectively stressing your muscles then you'll be burning fat. for instance in the past 4 months i've lost about 3 pounds but i've lost 3 pant sizes.

    look up starting strength, strong lifts or new rules of lifting for women. these are 3 really good programs
  • richeydoc
    richeydoc Posts: 9 Member
    Weightlifting is great for fat loss! Lifting heavy weights is a lot of work, so you burn a lot of calories this way, although it's more difficult to quantify than the amount burned doing cardio. You also burn calories in repairing and building new muscle, so the fat loss continues on rest days too.

    If you are overweight then you can still eat a slight calorie deficit and gain muscle, just make sure you eat plenty of lean protein.

    Do NOT worry about getting bulky or huge. If you are scared of ending up like a female bodybuilder, don't worry. Those women work out doing specific exercises, eating specific supplements for years to look that way. Most of them also take testosterone (male hormones) to increase their ability to add muscle mass.

    I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you want to look "toned" rather than bulky. For women, you will always have more subcutaneous fat than men, so your muscles will have a softer, more rounded toned appearance rather than ripped or shredded. You'll need to put on serious muscle and have a really low body fat before you will look anything like masculine from weightlifting.

    In contrast, squats and deadlifts will give you a curvy, toned bottom and thighs, as well as a stronger back. Overhead and bench pressing will help to tone up your upper body and lift up your boobs. If at any point you feel that you are getting bigger than you would like, then you don't have to keep lifting heavier and heavier weights, just switch to a maintenance programme. The changes won't happen overnight - thinking lifting a weight will make you bulky before you know it is like thinking you'll accidentally run a four-minute mile when you go for a jog.

    TL;DR: Yes it does burn fat; no you won't get huge!
  • tenkesh
    tenkesh Posts: 81
    Everything said here is right on the spot


    and to top it off, if you say you don't want muscle - muscle is a tissue, that needs to be supported. in other words, if you don't use it, you lose it. so even if by some miracle you will see gains that you don't want, stop lifting and your muscles will fade in a matter of weeks.

  • VAMommyAgain
    VAMommyAgain Posts: 400 Member
    The New Rules of Lifting book (the regular one not the one specifically for women) has three Fat Loss programs in it...yes, lifting weights burns fat...but doing some intervals AFTER lifting helps to blast fat a little more. The NROL has a very specific program for how much, how often and how long you should do the intervals. I'm currently in stage 6 of the NROLFW program and have definitely lost fat while doing it...I'll be doing the NROL program next hoping to get rid of even more fat. I got it from the library so it was free:)
  • readthat
    readthat Posts: 136
    I have been told...with cardio you burn calories or fat while doing the cardio. When you lift weights and build muscle, the muscle burns more calories or fat all day long.