When the scale goes back up

When the scale goes back up but the clothes are getting lose, I still feel good :)

After many weeks of going down about a 1lb a week, went back up 1lb today on my weigh in.
Not discouraged as when I was walking on my lunch yesterday, my dress pants were not staying up :)

I remind myself that I don't have that far to go to reach my goal weight, and it's a journey to lose and keep it off this time.
So, the scale is just that one indicator that weight is coming off, clothes are the other.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians out there! I have one day a week that I can eat without counting (and it does work as long as you stick to the goal the rest of the week), and I guess that will be Sunday LOL.


  • Kaiukas
    Kaiukas Posts: 111 Member
    There is a lot of advice against weighing yourself too often. I personally find it misplaced.

    My advice would be to contextualize your daily weight fluctuations, pay attention to the trends and patterns. It is all about seeing the bigger picture.

    I am a big advocate of having all your information available to you and making informed choices, one of which is NOT over-dramatize :smile: .

    I salute your attitude and CHOICE to look at the temporary weight fluctuation in a healthy balanced rationale manner. So refreshing to read!

    Best of luck and Happy Thanksgiving!!! :flowerforyou:
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Thanks Kaiukas! I weigh daily and totally agree with you. I only record a new weight if it stays up or down for a week.

    I do think it would have been better when I started the journey to record what the scale said every day and charted trends . I may do that during the holiday season .. I do plan to record every thing I eat even if I over indulge.

    I agree it is important to NOT over-dramatize and look at the temporary weight fluctuations in a healthy manner!