During the colder months...

hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
trouble exercising so during the colder months i tend to not lose weight...does anyone elsehave this problem?...I think my new goal is going to be to maintain a weight of 124lbs or lower until spring and then start back up...I started this journey back in july of 09 and I'm hoping that by the return of july in 2010 I will have reached my goal :smile: which isnt that bad because I'll only need to lose 14ish lbs maybe even less in the matter of 4 months !........ahhhh cmon spring get here already lol


  • Yes! It's really hard! My favorite activities are typically outdoors (biking, running, swimming, etc.). I've been trying some winter sports like ice skating and sledding (super fun!), but it's hard to be consistent because some days are just too cold!! I get so incredibly bored doing exercises inside (I hate the gym!!!). BUT I want to join my local pool if I can come up with the money for a membership. I think this will help because I LOVE to swim and it will get me through these cold months. But once it's warm again, I'll be back in the river to swim and tearing up the roads on my bike/feet!

    Come on, Spring! Start early this year! Pleaaase?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    No excuses lady. I have plenty of routines that I can show you for indoor training. You have but to ask!

    Now get to work! :tongue:
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    I'm am just the opposite I get colder in winter so I get up off by butt and workour, weatehr it's the treadmill, gym or a dvd. I need to get warm!!!!!!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Check out your library and get some workout dvds. You can do them in your frontroom and it will help you stay in shape. I'm in the windy city and i haven't been out since november. But i've still managed to workout everyday without equipment and the outside and still had weightloss.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I agree, look into some workout DVDs and workout inside.

    I'm more active now than I've been in AT LEAST five years, and I never leave my living room to workout. I buy Oxygen magazine and do workouts they suggest. I do pilates with Lara Hudson and 10 Minute Trainer workouts with Tony Horton. I have Tai Bo DVDs, too. I've got free weights, resistance bands, an exercise ball, a stepper machine....

    And I just got Wii Fit Plus and the balance board for Christmas. Have also picked up Jillian Michaels' Fitness Ultimatum 2010, The Biggest Loser and Gold's Gym Cardio games.

    I have spent VERY little on exercise tools (most of them were gifts, hand-me-downs or bought for under 20 dollars).

    The only things I've put on hold for the winter are outdoor walking, and using my weight machine because I keep it on the porch and it's FREAKING COLD!!!!

    I think it's definitely possible to get exercise wherever you are, in whatever conditions, no matter what. It's a matter of being creative and being motivated enough to come up with ideas.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    I agree, No better time than the present. I live in a very cold climate but that didnt keep me from getting the bike hooked up to an indoor training and spinning the miles away in my garage. lol
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Sir Boss I'd love to know your routine for inside work outs...and As silly as this sounds after the break up I only have a small tv for the kids and no dvd player...I'm pretty much starting from scratch and as of right now a dvd player isnt on the top of the list of things to get =/..
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I agree, No better time than the present. I live in a very cold climate but that didnt keep me from getting the bike hooked up to an indoor training and spinning the miles away in my garage. lol
    p.s. I live in Maine as well spy guy lol...i hate the cold tho ......i usually become a hermit until marchish?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I agree, No better time than the present. I live in a very cold climate but that didnt keep me from getting the bike hooked up to an indoor training and spinning the miles away in my garage. lol
    p.s. I live in Maine as well spy guy lol...i hate the cold tho ......i usually become a hermit until marchish?

    Take a drive down to the Salem MA area, we'll go to the Y and I'll kick your *kitten* (and my own) for a couple hours! :tongue:
  • I know it's hard to keep going through the winter months, but I think you need to push through it. I just got some snowshoes, which I think is going to be great if we ever get snow. I think it just takes a little creativity about being active. As a fellow Mainer, I also agree how tempting it is to want to hibernate until March!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I agree, No better time than the present. I live in a very cold climate but that didnt keep me from getting the bike hooked up to an indoor training and spinning the miles away in my garage. lol
    p.s. I live in Maine as well spy guy lol...i hate the cold tho ......i usually become a hermit until marchish?

    Take a drive down to the Salem MA area, we'll go to the Y and I'll kick your *kitten* (and my own) for a couple hours! :tongue:
    haha salem isnt even that far away =P...once I get the car thing situated I might have to take u up on that........but I think I'd be the one kicking ur *kitten* haha :bigsmile:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    haha salem isnt even that far away =P...once I get the car thing situated I might have to take u up on that........but I think I'd be the one kicking ur *kitten* haha :bigsmile:

    Bring it tiny! :yawn:
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