Didn't exercise this morning.....motivation gone??

I am having such a hard time getting back into an exercise regime. I prefer to exercise in the morning but I feel that I don't give it my all because I am tired. After work I feel so lazy and I feel it takes time away from my kids (although it is only an hour). I know I feel better after I exercise so why don't I just do it???

I am so mad at myself!!!


  • MelsFitLife
    MelsFitLife Posts: 106 Member
    I know how you feel. I have the exact same problem! I know if I ever make myself get back in it, I am hooked and it's like a habit I do everyday, but getting to that point is my problem.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Just have to get up and do it. For motivation, sign on to MFP and see how many of your friends are already exercising or how many of your friends in other countries exercised and ate well today already. I work out first thing because I'm too out of it to talk myself out of it most days.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    if this deal of getting fit and looking good naked was easy then everyone would do it.

    maybe it isn't for you. maybe you can't handle the hard work.

    maybe you are destined to be frumpy.

    well? are you?

    you have to focus on what you want.

    prove you can do it. one step at a time.

    drop the "I can't do it" attitude and get focused.
  • BeantownSooner
    Give your body a little break and instead of the hour perhaps just go for a 30 minute walk for a few weeks to keep things moving. It's hard to keep doing the same workouts all the time and perhaps changing it up with something less stressful will help. Always remember that 80% of the weight loss is nutrition so stay on that wagon!
  • tripletmom2004
    tripletmom2004 Posts: 168 Member
    Dave- thanks!! I needed that.... no more excuses. I refuse to remain frumpy!! LOL
  • Italapps
    Italapps Posts: 14 Member
    I know the feeling. When you have kids, life changes and you are no longer #1. And that is a wonderful thing, pre kids I was always looking out for me and now I have kids and they are my #1. Some times I split up my workout and after they go to bed I do abs and light cardio. But now a days, I have to find time to wake up before them and get it in. Not going so well, but each day gets better. The first day I only did 10 min and then 12min and now I can do almost an hour.

    You can do it!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    The first few weeks that I was working out in the morning I wore my workout clothes to bed. I even wore my sports bra and socks. If I didn't get out of bed to work out, I had that extra bit of - you didn't even have an excuse! Once I got in the habit it was no big deal. I even wake up without the alarm now.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    If you want something bad enough you will find the time. The question is: how bad do you this?
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    if this deal of getting fit and looking good naked was easy then everyone would do it.

    maybe it isn't for you. maybe you can't handle the hard work.

    maybe you are destined to be frumpy.

    well? are you?

    you have to focus on what you want.

    prove you can do it. one step at a time.

    drop the "I can't do it" attitude and get focused.

    Lol awesome kick up the *kitten* there! motivation has been restored!
  • Minniemecry77
    This is a struggle for me too
  • Rude66
    Rude66 Posts: 2
    I find it very easy to talk myself out of exercise so I have to do it first thing (while I am too sleepy to talk myself out of it). However, as someone posted earlier you should change things up. Maybe try to find something fun you can do with your kids on the days you skip your morning exercise. The best part is it won't even feel like exercise and you are getting them active as well.
  • MarandaPanda86
    I am experiencing the same thing, but I have been trying to tell myself that when I am done, I won't regret it. I will just regret it if I DON'T do it.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    I know the feeling. When you have kids, life changes and you are no longer #1. And that is a wonderful thing, pre kids I was always looking out for me and now I have kids and they are my #1. Some times I split up my workout and after they go to bed I do abs and light cardio. But now a days, I have to find time to wake up before them and get it in. Not going so well, but each day gets better. The first day I only did 10 min and then 12min and now I can do almost an hour.

    You can do it!

    I wake up between 4.30-5am. Sometimes at 4am. I get 6 hours of sleep (sometimes less), I got a toddler, work full time, house, pets and all that good stuff.
    Making excuses is easy. Making it happen is not..Stop making excuses.
    Sorry for being harsh.
  • Minniemecry77
    Good idea I might try this to get going.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Try taking a pre-workout supplement in the AM to get you going. Does wonders for me! ( I'm not talking diet pills. I'm talking the powders you add to water that only last about an hour or 2 with no crash. Similar to those 5-hour energy shots but for athletes)
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    If you feel like you don't have 1 hour after work, find high intensity workouts that take all of 30-40 minutes including warm up and cooldown. I love doing these when I don't feel particularly motivated. They are quick and are an excellent combination of cardio and strength moves. Ex, go to youtube and search by "efit30 full body workout"...they have half a dozen 30 minute workouts. I am still burning from my workout last night!
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    if this deal of getting fit and looking good naked was easy then everyone would do it.

    maybe it isn't for you. maybe you can't handle the hard work.

    maybe you are destined to be frumpy.

    well? are you?

    you have to focus on what you want.

    prove you can do it. one step at a time.

    drop the "I can't do it" attitude and get focused.

    You are awesome. Like seriously!
  • allisona28
    allisona28 Posts: 186 Member
    if this deal of getting fit and looking good naked was easy then everyone would do it.

    maybe it isn't for you. maybe you can't handle the hard work.

    maybe you are destined to be frumpy.

    well? are you?

    you have to focus on what you want.

    prove you can do it. one step at a time.

    drop the "I can't do it" attitude and get focused.
    ^^^THIS!!! Very good advice!!
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    if this deal of getting fit and looking good naked was easy then everyone would do it.

    maybe it isn't for you. maybe you can't handle the hard work.

    maybe you are destined to be frumpy.

    well? are you?

    you have to focus on what you want.

    prove you can do it. one step at a time.

    drop the "I can't do it" attitude and get focused.

    Quoted for absolute awesomeness and truth.

    To the OP: I am in much better shape now than I was in when I joined MFP last Dec. But I need even more motivation than ever to stay in maintenance mode. Some evenings I really *don't want* to lift weights even though I love lifting more than chocolate (not exaggerating). It takes willpower to do what you need to do in order to get where you want to go, so don't give up.

    To borrow a quote from one of the funniest movies I have seen in my brief life: "Never give up; never surrender!" :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    I'm not a huge exercise fan either (yet), but I know that if I don't do it at least a couple of days a week, I'll never do it. To be honest, after getting my butt moving, the next day has me wanting to do more. I have a little more energy from it as well. Just need to say screw it and make time for yourself. Obviously you're thinking about it a lot since it is bothering you this much, might be just a touch of guilt setting in. Do it in small increments to started back again. Wish you well :)