Needing a Day 1

My name is Rhona and I need a Day 1. A moment to begin, a time that is not just another random time when I say "From now on..."
I also need someone to be accountable to. I hope a few people out there will relate to my story and support me and allow me to support them.

So here I am.

I had baby no. 4 seven months ago and have been on-again off-again at the gym. I'm kind of embarrassed going there because of all the fantastic mothers who also attend and who have been so consistent and so committed. But on the other hand, I know that (a) everyone has their own story and (b) nobody really gives a **** about my gym habits as they are too busy focussing on their own.

So due to being time poor, being at home (with the kitchen), breastfeeding, sleepless nights and let's face it, serious binges on chocolate, pizza and fast food, here I am, 27kg (60lb) overweight. In the last 7 months since baby was born I've lost no more than 2-3 kg.

In spite of my ample armour, I feel like a shell with nothing inside. This extra weight is preventing me from doing things I love, such as swimming, dancing, having awesome sex, enjoying clothes shopping, wearing fashionable things, strutting down the street and shaking my *kitten*.

Yes, yes - I'm totally aware (thanks Dr. Phil) that this is a psychological and not a physical issue, and that maybe - just maybe - the causal link is the wrong way around i.e. wanting to hide from the world has made me gain weight - but I'm not going to waste time pondering that!

I know that exercise, water, plenty of sleep and energy-giving food change the mind as well as the body, so I need this. I need this beginning.

So this is it. Day 1. October 6th 2012. I'm looking forward to meeting some great people here :)))