Goal: 10 pounds in 5 weeks...

danielleleee Posts: 34
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
My goal is to lose 10 pounds in 5 weeks. It may be difficult since I don't weigh too much to begin with! But.. I yesterday I weighed in at 124 and my goal is to weigh 114 by Valentiens day. On my wedding 6 months ago I weighed 114 pounds... In high school i weighed 98.. My short term goal is 114 but if I can continue to lose I'd like to. I think 105ish should be a healthy weight for me (I am only 4'11") ... Anyway.....! Wish me luck! New friends offering motivation are welcome :)


  • You can do it! Never tell yourself that you can't. Everyday when you wake up, envision yourself back at your ideal weight, live as though you already are there and you will feel better and will stay motivated!!
  • jfree1982
    jfree1982 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm with ya! My goal is 105lbs. I am 5' tall. The lowest I have ever weighed is 107 and the highest was 131 (actually 144 when I delivered my baby) and I am determined to reach it! I am doing okay on food I just need to get my lazy butt exercising! Good luck girl!
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    I hope to lose 10 pounds in five weeks myself. But hoping to lose a minimum of twenty pounds before mid- May. I am also petite, but packed on the pounds this past year to weigh in at my highest ever. Time to get that under control. You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • alymarphi
    alymarphi Posts: 90 Member
    I was just thinkin the same thing... I need to lose 10lbs in 5 weeks! Its gonna be my one year wedding aniversary two days before valentines day and i want to look good enough to go with my husband to the pool. 10lbs would be 147 for me but im 5 11. But good luck with your goal I'll be right there with you trying to lose.
  • thanks guys! i need the motivation!

    my lowest was 98 in high school.. (and even then i wanted to lose weight, what was wrong with me?) and i am at my highest right now which is 124)

    i have soo many cute clothes that i just can't fit into anymore. and right now i bought 2 pairs of jeans that are a larger size and i can't fit into the old ones.. and there's like... 7 pairs of jeans in my closet i can't fit into!!!!!!

    My plan tonight is to do an hour on the eleptical.
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