Please Help - Need Advice - Confused!



  • MamaDory
    I do exercise at the gym when I can, and I also do weights, I.e legs, squats, toe touches with the medicine ball... I don't just do cardio :-)
    But it's just that now I eat lots it's hard to keep it off.!
  • MamaDory
    And nowadays I eat 2000-3000, so quite a bit!

    But thank you all for the help, it's brilliant to have support; have felt like im doing this on my own for a long time! Xxx
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I do exercise at the gym when I can, and I also do weights, I.e legs, squats, toe touches with the medicine ball... I don't just do cardio :-)
    But it's just that now I eat lots it's hard to keep it off.!

    Dory, please ignore the people offering dieting advice and listen to the rest of us. You have an eating disorder. You need to forget about diet, forget about the scale and get mentally and emotionally healthy.
  • MamaDory
    I guess it stemmed from years of bullying. I'm sorry , I feel like I'm moaning, and I know it was my choice to diet. It just started off as having a bit to lose, and prove that I could fit in with the other girls, and then ending up emotionally/mentally warped by eating. Since when did such a natural occurrence become such a problem?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I guess it stemmed from years of bullying. I'm sorry , I feel like I'm moaning, and I know it was my choice to diet. It just started off as having a bit to lose, and prove that I could fit in with the other girls, and then ending up emotionally/mentally warped by eating. Since when did such a natural occurrence become such a problem?

    Don't be sorry. No one is angry with you, just worried about you. Eating disorders are in your mind. People who suffer from them don't see their bodies as they actually are; they see them in a distorted way. When others see someone too thin (and you may not be, but the disorder is about your thinking, not your physique), the disordered person will see fat. You can't fight this on your own. You need help.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I guess it stemmed from years of bullying. I'm sorry , I feel like I'm moaning, and I know it was my choice to diet. It just started off as having a bit to lose, and prove that I could fit in with the other girls, and then ending up emotionally/mentally warped by eating. Since when did such a natural occurrence become such a problem?

    If it is a problem, at least you identify it as such and can get help to treat it. A lot of people, especially young women, have warped ideas about their body and food. Having a healthy relationship with food and a positive outlook about your body are two things to strive for. Not everyone can get there without help. Sometimes it takes years. I'm glad you're seeing the issues and hopefully working toward fixing it. Don't be scared to talk to a professional about these issues, as disordered eating can truly be dangerous or, in extreme cases, even deadly.

    This advice comes from genuinely caring about your well being and wishing you the best in the future.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    If eating 1500 calories a day doesn't work for you, you can try intermittent fasting if you like to binge eat or basically count your calories for 2 days instead of one. Make sure your fasting days are busy and exercise on your fasting days to make you forget about food.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If eating 1500 calories a day doesn't work for you, you can try intermittent fasting if you like to binge eat or basically count your calories for 2 days instead of one. Make sure your fasting days are busy and exercise on your fasting days to make you forget about food.

    Stop it.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    If eating 1500 calories a day doesn't work for you, you can try intermittent fasting if you like to binge eat or basically count your calories for 2 days instead of one. Make sure your fasting days are busy and exercise on your fasting days to make you forget about food.

    Stop it.

  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    I would also suggest professional help. You will be a lot happier and healthier.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    MamaDory, it seems like intermittent fasting can suit your style of eating if you can really commit to it since you like to eat 2000 to 3000 calories a day. There are three styles to this and all perfectly healthy. You can do 5:2, alternate day fast, or the 16 hour fast. Every style revolves around counting your calorie intake for the entire week instead of one day with the exception of the 16 hour fast since that fast is liken to the same thing as eating only once a day. The 5:2 fast is eating normal for 5 days and fasting for 2 days. Then there's alternate day fasting which is self explanatory.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    MamaDory, it seems like intermittent fasting can suit your style of eating if you can really commit to it since you like to eat 2000 to 3000 calories a day. There are three styles to this and all perfectly healthy. You can do 5:2, alternate day fast, or the 16 hour fast. Every style revolves around counting your calorie intake for the entire week instead of one day with the exception of the 16 hour fast since that fast is liken to the same thing as eating only once a day. The 5:2 fast is eating normal for 5 days and fasting for 2 days. Then there's alternate day fasting which is self explanatory.
    SHE HAS AN EATING DISORDER. What you are doing is irresponsible and wrong. Stop.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    MamaDory, it seems like intermittent fasting can suit your style of eating if you can really commit to it since you like to eat 2000 to 3000 calories a day. There are three styles to this and all perfectly healthy. You can do 5:2, alternate day fast, or the 16 hour fast. Every style revolves around counting your calorie intake for the entire week instead of one day with the exception of the 16 hour fast since that fast is liken to the same thing as eating only once a day. The 5:2 fast is eating normal for 5 days and fasting for 2 days. Then there's alternate day fasting which is self explanatory.
    SHE HAS AN EATING DISORDER. What you are doing is irresponsible and wrong. Stop.

    Why is it irresponsible and wrong? I gave her a good solution on how to manage her eating habits that is considered healthy. She already said she's eating 2 to 3k calories a day....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    MamaDory, it seems like intermittent fasting can suit your style of eating if you can really commit to it since you like to eat 2000 to 3000 calories a day. There are three styles to this and all perfectly healthy. You can do 5:2, alternate day fast, or the 16 hour fast. Every style revolves around counting your calorie intake for the entire week instead of one day with the exception of the 16 hour fast since that fast is liken to the same thing as eating only once a day. The 5:2 fast is eating normal for 5 days and fasting for 2 days. Then there's alternate day fasting which is self explanatory.
    SHE HAS AN EATING DISORDER. What you are doing is irresponsible and wrong. Stop.

    Why is it irresponsible and wrong? I gave her a good solution on how to manage her eating habits that is considered healthy. She already said she's eating 2 to 3k calories a day....


    Some people can't be helped.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    MamaDory, it seems like intermittent fasting can suit your style of eating if you can really commit to it since you like to eat 2000 to 3000 calories a day. There are three styles to this and all perfectly healthy. You can do 5:2, alternate day fast, or the 16 hour fast. Every style revolves around counting your calorie intake for the entire week instead of one day with the exception of the 16 hour fast since that fast is liken to the same thing as eating only once a day. The 5:2 fast is eating normal for 5 days and fasting for 2 days. Then there's alternate day fasting which is self explanatory.
    SHE HAS AN EATING DISORDER. What you are doing is irresponsible and wrong. Stop.

    Why is it irresponsible and wrong? I gave her a good solution on how to manage her eating habits that is considered healthy. She already said she's eating 2 to 3k calories a day....


    Some people can't be helped.

    I understand how you feel.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    To be honest, a lot of the behavior and feelings you describe are indicative of some kind of eating disorder - the feeling of being fat when you aren't, the obsession both with food and with your size, the binging, etc. My best suggestion is to see a doctor who can help you resolve the issues.

    Yes there is something wrong with you and it's not your weight. (I'm not clear on how much a "stone" weighs; will have to Google).

    Please, lose the fat phobia. Under 20 grams, really? Are you still buying into the fallacy that only fat makes one fat? I think the current obesity epidemic should prove otherwise. Why is it that you binge on carbs... could your body be craving the nutrients that it is missing? I understand binging, since changing what I eat and eating lots of healthy fats (mod protein, low carb), I no longer have any need to binge whatsoever.
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    OP, you found the right place to bring up this topic, I congratulate you. As you can tell it seems the consensus of the group agrees that you have some work to do with body image and this is fairly common. Relax. Good luck on your journey. Your school must have a free program where you can be evaluated and start from there. Also, I agree that not working around food smells would greatly benefit (any of us)!

    Good luck!
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    you are a beautiful young, georgous woman, you should be very proud of whom you are. Don't listen to negative people, they must have been jealous of your looks, because any young man would be proud to date you. Best of luck dear in your journey