Addicted to exercise

So I'm pretty sure that this exists, due to the endorphins released while exercising, however have never experienced it...until today.

I have had a gym membership since last year and work out 4-6 times per week. The other day, I started the day off badly and went over my target after eating lunch. So I went to the gym and worked out for 4.5 hours (don't say that I'm going crazy, I'm pretty fit and strong and have been working out for a while).

Apparently I pushed myself too far and have been sore in my hips/butt/abs/back/legs for the past 2 days. I have not been able to do anything (it hurts even to walk) and have started getting twitchy and jumpy.

A few minutes ago (yes this is very bizarre) I went on my hands and knees and pumped out 50 pushups...I don't know why.

I am longing at this point to go to the gym and do any sort of exersise and it is the weirdest feeling I have ever had. I usually have to push myself to go and now that I can't, I feel deprived or something.

Are there any other people out there that have experienced this? and if so, how did you cope?


  • tntrav44
    tntrav44 Posts: 100 Member
    I can totally understand what you mean! When I was in college, I would go to the gym in the morning and run four miles. Then that night, I would go to the gym again and I would run 2 or 3 miles, then do an hour of a pretty hardcore step aerobics class. Then, I would feel like I hadn't done anything at all and I would run another 2-3 miles before doing some strength training. I ended up spending about 4 hours at the gym every day. When I couldn't go, I got antsy and I was in a terrible mood. It was like withdrawal!

    Eventually, I had to move home after my mom had a quadruple bypass (to help her out with laundry, meals, etc.), and even though I lived close enough to school to go to class, I couldn't make it to the gym nearly as much. That's when I gained the 30 or so pounds I want to lose. I think my metabolism was just like WHAAAT is going on here? because I had worked out so much previously.

    In short, I get what you're saying. I'm not sure that it can be good for you, especially when you come across some sort of lifestyle change and don't have time to put in 4-5 hours at the gym.
  • katie_3011
    Well I am a full time student and tend to do my studying while working out. I always keep que cards in my pockets and read/make notes on cardio equipment.

    I find that working out is a great stress reliever! Plus some of the personal trainers are pretty cute and great motivation to keep losing :wink: