Am I truly "eating to live"?

My husband has been saying for years that he wishes he could get hypnotized out of really loving food and into the mindset of eating for nourishment. So when I made the comment yesterday to him that I can't remember the last time I really enjoyed a meal, since I'm choosing my foods based on what I need and what my daily allowances permit me to eat (i.e., that I'm "eating to live"), he said he's so proud of me and that he's jealous and wishes he could get to that place mentally also.

But I don't really feel like I have that mindset, not honestly, anyway. I would LOVE a Cinnabon right now. With a Pumpkin Spice Latte. And a plate of tiramisu. Followed by some very heavy Italian food.

I've been dieting and working out since about mid-June, and I've lost 26 pounds. I'm 4 pounds from my goal weight, which would put me at about how much I weighed when I was doing pageants. Is it normal that I still want these foods? Will I ever stop wanting them?


  • MrsPixelbark
    MrsPixelbark Posts: 175 Member
    Why does food have to be either 'I eat to survive' or 'I eat to enjoy myself'? Why can't you have a mix of the both- with a small dose of non 'healthy food' in moderation?

    In my eyes, eating food that you don't enjoy is just setting yourself up for failure- it just makes you want food that you do enjoy even more. Go have your Cinnabon- go have your latte and your Italian - just have them occasionally, or in smaller portions. You can't spend your entire life avoiding food- and whilst you don't want to hear this, no, you more than likely never will stop wanting them. It's perfectly normal to want them, everyone gets cravings from time to time.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Why does food have to be either 'I eat to survive' or 'I eat to enjoy myself'? Why can't you have a mix of the both- with a small dose of non 'healthy food' in moderation?

    In my eyes, eating food that you don't enjoy is just setting yourself up for failure- it just makes you want food that you do enjoy even more. Go have your Cinnabon- go have your latte and your Italian - just have them occasionally, or in smaller portions. You can't spend your entire life avoiding food- and whilst you don't want to hear this, no, you more than likely never will stop wanting them. It's perfectly normal to want them, everyone gets cravings from time to time.

    exactly this....i agree 100%...i posted this on my profile yesterday cause i saw it on facebook and it has become my life....
    "Sustainable weight loss is a complete lifestyle change, not a 12 week eating plan"

    make "cleaner" versions of the foods you love or just have them in moderation...when we completely cut out the foods we crave and only eat the things that are "good" for us we tend to binge more and or gain the weight back because we are not making changes to our lives that we can live with forever......what happens when you reach your goal weight??? will you go back to eating the things you love or will you continue to hold off on ever having the things you used to have??? either way, in my opinion your loss will not be long term if you dont make the changes things you can live with forever....i have chinese food every single thursday night since i started on my new life journey almost 5 yrs ago.....i switched from all fried greasy selections to little fried and then more's a switch out i can live's time to adjust your thinking in MY opinion....good luck...denise
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    Why does food have to be either 'I eat to survive' or 'I eat to enjoy myself'? Why can't you have a mix of the both- with a small dose of non 'healthy food' in moderation?

    In my eyes, eating food that you don't enjoy is just setting yourself up for failure- it just makes you want food that you do enjoy even more. Go have your Cinnabon- go have your latte and your Italian - just have them occasionally, or in smaller portions. You can't spend your entire life avoiding food- and whilst you don't want to hear this, no, you more than likely never will stop wanting them. It's perfectly normal to want them, everyone gets cravings from time to time.

    I agree with this in theory...but I'm struggling to enjoy food occasionally and go back to healthier choices. My son keeps asking me lately what my favorie food is... I DON'T KNOW! I can't tell him what my favorite food is because I'm sure it's not something healthy. I don't really enjoy the foods I'm eating as much, so everything is just kind of bleh. The foods I used to enjoy the most have lost their appeal because I can't eat them without feeling like a failure now...even the cleaned up versions. I think if I spent more time cooking and experimenting in the kitchen I would probably make more foods that satisfy my taste buds as well as my waist. :)

    BTW, I did have a Cinnabon a couple months ago... I made my husband split one with me and it was fantastic. As long as you don't overindulge all the time you can still lose weight or maintain it.