**LOVE SURVEY**how you knew he/she was "THE ONE"



  • beelikethebug
    beelikethebug Posts: 50 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? I think I knew pretty quickly—like, within a few days.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? About a month

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? We were just so comfortable with each other so quickly—it was so nice being able to just be myself with him, and have someone appreciate that. I think it was a combination of that comfortability, along with being super-excited to be around him—that feeling when you're driving to someone's house and you can't seem to get there fast enough.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? We're not, and we're not in any hurry. I'm in school, and have neither the time nor the resources to plan a wedding!

    5. How long after were you married? N/A

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? No, which is one of the best parts about it! My family has disliked most of the people I've dated, but they LOVE my boyfriend :-)
  • RiversideBabe
    RiversideBabe Posts: 75 Member
    1. I knew he was the man I would marry 3 months in. He told me he knew after the second week.
    2. It took me 2 months to say "I love you"
    3. I can't even begin to describe the butterflies when the topic of marriage came up and hearing him talk about it like he had been thinking about it for awhile. We were laying down to take a nap and he told me his plans for us for the next few years. It was the most wonderful feeling. We were inseparable and spent every minute we could together and couldn't get enough. After getting an apt together after 6 months of dating, it felt right to be living together.
    4. He proposed 1 year after dating, but we started looking at right at 9 months
    5. We married 15 months after our engagement
    6. Some of my lame *kitten* friends I could tell didn't agree with it, but I think she was just jealous since she waited 8 years to get her ring haha
  • shoshi68
    shoshi68 Posts: 407 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?

    We met online, and when I first spoke to him on the phone, his voice was so gentle, and he was so sweet, I couldn't imagine being without him. We had a rocky dating experience, and it hasn't always been easy, but my memory of his voice that day is where I lay my head at the end of the day.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?

    A couple of weeks, I guess. I don't rightly remember.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?

    See #1, but also, the time we went for a walk, and he immediately walked on the road side. My dad used to do that, a gentlemanly way of being gently protective. That was the moment I knew he was sent for me.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?

    Um, we don't really remember getting engaged. We started dating end of July, and by sometime later that year, December or January, we were planning a wedding. To this day don't remember how it happened!

    5. How long after were you married?

    5 months. Wedding professionals were losing their **** left and right.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?

    Not that I am aware of, but relatives and friends who were not invited to the very tiny wedding do not talk to me to this day. Oh well. I guess that is one way to lose the losers.
  • rsrojas01
    When you dont have to ask, silly
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I've known this girl for about 5 months now.

    2-3 months in, we really started hitting it off. Doing things for eachother. She'd make a point of brining me a breakfast smoothie every morning before she drove outta town for work (we worked opposite shifts, so some days we'd only see eachother for literally 5-10 minutes).

    When we went on date #2 or #3 to the beach...and I'm not comfortable AT ALL with my body (fat, stretch marks, hair) and it blew my mind she even called me to hang out again. I honestly though she'd write my off cause I'm not perfect.

    She actually WAS married, and has a daughter...so thats sorta working itself out now.

    Some people (girls who worked in the past with her) aren't too fond of her or her past (i have very little clue about it) But I've been judging her by how she treats me, and so far, it's been amazing.

    If she's actually the one, I'd love it.

    I wish I knew.
  • Healthy67Chick
    Healthy67Chick Posts: 159 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?

    within the first month of dating

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?

    3 months

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?

    It was a feeling I had never felt before and since it happened so fast honestly it scared me. At first, I fought the feeling, thinking "once the new wears off of our relationship it will go away" but we kept dating and I realized that the feeling was not going away. The feeling to me can only be described as a feeling of knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is the one! It was something I never thought I would feel again.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? 5 months

    5. How long after were you married? 1 year

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? No, and we will be married 19 years in December!
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? No idea, but we both knew.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? Uh... 2 months?

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? 2 months lol.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?Not yet, I want to lose weight before we move further, and he's okay with this :)

    5. How long after were you married? N/A

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? His father. He doesn't believe in interracial love. He "claims" to be okay with it now, I don't buy it lol.
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?
    I probably felt that in the first few weeks but I tended to think that with all relationships. It probably took 6-8 months for me to really know.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?
    We said we loved each other maybe 2 months in.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? He shared his ice cream with my dog, he waited 3 years without sex, he found all my quirks adorable. Internally I mostly felt secure that I could be myself, express contrary opinions etc and he would still be around.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? 2 1/2 years

    5. How long after were you married? 6 months after engagement (together 3 years almost to the day)

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? Only because we were so young (16 for me, 19 for him)
  • Loasaur
    Loasaur Posts: 125
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?

    3 days. It sounds stupid, I know, but no one I've ever met or dated has made me feel the same way.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?

    About 2 or 3 weeks. I was afraid this person didn't feel the same way I did. Turns out, he did, completely. :)

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?

    I had dated a few people, had a couple crushes, but never have I felt what I felt inside the moment I met this person and this feeling has never left or waned since that moment. I can't even really explain it. I just was lost but at the time, I didn't realize how lost I really was until this person came into my life. As soon as I met him I felt like everything in my life was suddenly perfect and would be alright and as long as this person was there, it would always be that way. I have never looked at another person in the same way I look at this person. Have never felt attracted to someone the same way I am attracted to him. I have never loved or felt as loved by someone else as I have with this person. I can't imagine my life without this person.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?

    About a year.

    5. How long after were you married?

    Are not married yet, but hopefully within the next 2 or 3 years.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?

    A lot of my friends did, they told me he was rude and not right for me. I have since learned that THEY were the ones who were not right for me. ;) I had some bad friends.
  • Daughteroftheking13
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? About a week

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? ......"Do not awaken love before it's time."

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? I prayed about it and i felt like God was telling me that he is the one.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? Goodness! I'm only 19!

    5. How long after were you married? Ditto

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?My parents. They think I'm still too young.
  • Sovictorrious
    Sovictorrious Posts: 770 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?

    When we banged on the first date.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?
    A week

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?
    When I realized I was willing to learn about football to make him happy.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?
    Three weeks

    5. How long after were you married?
    We were together for two years. Then we decided to get married so that when I had our son we could be a "family"

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?
    His parents when we were datng
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?

    Almost half the population.

    I'm getting gay married in Canada. For the free health care. Yippee.

    Oh, and I love the chick too.
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member

    Almost half the population.

    I'm getting gay married in Canada. For the free health care. Yippee.

    Oh, and I love the chick too.

    LOL! I am glad you can marry your love!
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?

    Within a few minutes of meeting him I thought he would be in my life for a long time.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?

    Probably about a month/6 months later.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?

    You just do. But having dated so many other people, I know he is the One for me.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?

    Oooh, almost 8 years.

    5. How long after were you married?

    3 years.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?

    WE DID early on. We met just out of our teens, loved & argued across 8 years and two hemispheres before he proposed.

    Friends who knew us in the early years thought we had issues - by the time we got engaged the same ones exclaimed 'FINALLY'. :laugh:
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? We met when I was 6, so it took 10 years.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? 6 more years (we were friends and I didn't want to screw that up)

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? We are better together than apart. We are best friends but that wasn't enough.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? A year after we found out we'd both had a thing for each other for 5 years.

    5. How long after were you married? 8 months later...it will be 9 years next month.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? Nope.