30 Day Shred. Thought I was going to die.



  • Navotc
    Navotc Posts: 97
    I think you'll be fine with some rest days. I did it in 30 days straight, but I probably would have done just as well (or better) with some rest days. I agree with the other posts here - you CAN do it, and the first week is the toughest. My knees barked at me pretty bad for awhile, but I was careful to do things with good form so it wasn't INJURY barking, it was just soreness. I did 10 days on each level. It was hard, but good. If I can do it, you can do it!
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    I haven't done the 30 day shred so I don't have anything of * real * value to add. I just wanted to say I saw the name of this thread and literally laughed out loud. I HAD to give it a read.

    I'm doing Insanity right now. Maybe I will try 30 day shred once I'm done this program.
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Yup, my first few workouts I could have sworn I was about to flat-line or cough up a vital organ...
    Ive just finished day 11 (got bored within 3 days so tried all the levels and stuck with levels 2 & 3) and Im already stronger and fitter, 6lbs down and an inch off of everything I could measure!
    I HATE Jillian but that just pushed me harder, especially when she's prancing around like a fricken fairy! I have found her quite irritating so now I mute and put on my own music. Stick with it. Its great!
    Forgot to mention that I workout 3 days > rest day > 3 workouts and so on :smile:
  • PeteyogiW
    I am so impressed by anyone who has made it through all 3 levels of the 30 Day Shred program. I just completed my first day and I have to admit there were a few times in the middle that I wasn't so sure if I would be able to finish. As it was I had to take a few breathers just to get through it.

    I am hoping that I will be able to finish the whole program and see by the results that it was worth it.

    One question to anybody who has done the program, she says you need to do it everyday but I travel 2 to 3 times out of the week and it's not always possible to do the program while on the road. Do you think it is possible to see the same results if I just did it the rest of the week?
    I'm doing it with my girl friend, I said I'd do it to be a motivation to her, we are on day 10 of level one, which we will do tonight before going to the gym. It is bloody hard, but gets easier. Respect to anyone who is doing it! We had Saturday off for a break from it and then last night too as Kim had a poorly stomach. It doesn't seem to affect the results. I'm losing my podgy tum and have lost 4 to 5 pounds since starting it! It's hard, just do it when you can :-) Good luck!
  • cmuggridge
    cmuggridge Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback. I am really motivated to lose the weight and get in better shape. Now that I understand how I can maintain after the weight loss it makes it seem more possible.

    When I am on the road I am hoping to stay in Hotels with workout rooms so I can at least do some cardio.
  • bernierg
    bernierg Posts: 2 Member
    If you have a smart phone you can do the videos, available on youtube. That is what I did when my tv wasnt available.
  • skinnyjean4me
    skinnyjean4me Posts: 43 Member
    The first time I did it, I remember calling Jillian a slew of completely inappropriate names. It was all I could do to keep going. Lol

    I just started and I'm doing it every other combined with Zumba and walking 3-4 miles so i am exercising everyday but i had to laugh at the inappropriate names cause i called her everything but a woman this morning with some more nasty comments that are not fit any ones ears LOL
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    I did day 12 yesterday...did Mon-Fri pretty much for Level 1, but the Level 2 workout seems to put a lot more strain on my knees, so I have dropped to doing it every other day. My husband is chronic knee pain and I do NOT want to go down that road, so I'm mixing it up with less high-impact stuff on my days off from Shred. Getting results already though!! :)
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    It gets easier. Take it at your own pace but push as much as you can. By the time you're done you'll find you have more endurance and you're much stronger. :)
  • ndirish4life
    Not gonna lie, I couldn't finish. I mean, maybe I could have but I had to move and things got crazy. I got more interested in being able to run so I started the Couch to 5K program instead. I'm thinking once I finish I might try the 30DS again though to add some tone to my body, something I am definitely lacking at the moment :)
  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
    I completed 30DS.

    Not every day.

    But on my own time.

    My way.

    Note: Results in pic! :)
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    I am on day 19 (straight) and about to start the this level., so far so good. Though I am not in it to loose weight but gain muscle.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    I am on Day 2 of Level 1 of 30DS.

    My arms feel like jelly straight after and I just want to drink loads! Kills hunger straight off.

    The one problem I have is in the weights sections, the dumbell loading I need for Chest Flat Flyes and Bent Over Dumbell Rows are a lot heavier than smaller exercises like the Side Lunge with Front Shoulder Raise and Leg Lunge with Bicep Curl and Squat with Shoulder Press. I don't have time to spin four dumbell collars to adjust weights before the aerobic section starts and I don't want to rest too much as that defeatst he object of 30DS.

    It's like I need a dumbell rack in front of me so I can pick up the weights I need.

    How do others get around this one or do you just use a light enough weight for the weakest exercise and just use that?