What's your go-to breakfast?



  • recently, a soft boiled egg with asparagus soldiers.
  • JoyBouter
    JoyBouter Posts: 10 Member
    Bump for later :)
  • I either have 2 packets of plain oatmeal with one tbsp of peanut butter, or i have 2 egg whites w/ turkey on whole wheat toast or whole wheat wrap.
  • muesli and yoghurt with a banana is my go-to breakfast
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I have several:

    1. keep hard boiled peeled eggs in the refrigerator... two to a baggie or tupperware container. I sprinkle pepper /salt and take with me to eat in the car on the way to work
    2. 4-8 ounces of FF greek yogurt with 1 teaspoon chia seeds and 1 tablespoon oat bran to eat quickly before I leave or at my desk when I get to work. Sometimes with 1/2 serving fruit
    3 Crabsticks(yes, crabsticks)

    If I get my morning right my favorite breakfast is a one egg omlette, with 1/2 a fresh avocado and 1 tablespoon salsa, and I sit and eat it at my table like a real person.
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    2x20g wholewheat biscuits (eg Weetabix)
    30g Fruit & Fibre
    150ml skimmed milk
    generous pinch of ground cinnamon

    around 289 calories - keeps me full for hours, great for big days :)
  • ground flax is interesting and I will be adding:smooched: it to my diet, how much do you use?
  • maz2469
    maz2469 Posts: 67 Member
  • mhoward685
    mhoward685 Posts: 129 Member
    Chobani Greek yogurt with 1/4 cup Kashi go lean crunch cereal mixed in
  • I eat a lot of egg whites in the morning. My favourite is an omelette with onion and zucchini
  • rachelerwin
    rachelerwin Posts: 140 Member
    4 scrambled egg whites with a slice of swiss cheese mixed in. 104 calories and keeps me full all morning.
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    My breakfast pretty much every morning is a serving of plain oatmeal, a package of stevia, half a cup of cottage cheese, and a banana. All mixed together!

  • 150g - ish of 0%fage Greek yoghurt (around 100 cals, and the protein in it keeps you really full!)
    A couple of chopped strawberries/blueberries
    6 walnut halves
    2table spoons of oats

    I tried this today. Instead of strawberries or blueberries I used passionfruit pulp and OMG it was amazing. I loved it. Thank you so much for suggesting this.
  • AnnaVee84
    AnnaVee84 Posts: 345 Member
    Since I have an infant, I don't have a lot of time to cook breakfast. I've been eating low fat oatmeal and yogurt. I'm hoping to try out some of these http://www.theyummylife.com/Refrigerator_Oatmeal for a more nutrient-packed grab-and-go breakfast.

    These easy recipes are awesome!!! Totally makes the mornings bearable, haha
  • chelle_fri
    chelle_fri Posts: 333 Member
    Lazy oatmeal-
    1/3 cup steel cut oats
    1/3 cup milk (or to desired consistancy)

    Before bed, pour both ingredients into bowl.
    Cover and place in fridge.
    Wake up the next morning.
    Microwave for a minute or two (watch out for flash boiling)
    Add a tablespoon brown sugar, some fruit, or whatever you have lying around that day. Enjoy!
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    Some form of proatmeal or other, for instance: 1/2 c oats, 2 scoops WPI, 2 tbsp PB2 powder, 1 tbsp ground flax, plus fruit and nuts as macros allow.
  • Ellyabell
    Ellyabell Posts: 49 Member
    I eat proteinpowder with half soymilk, half water and fruits pretty much every day. Types of fruits differ, often kiwi, figs, sharon or apple. sometimes mango or pomegranate, depending on what I get on the market.
  • Breadbar
    Breadbar Posts: 334 Member
  • Kateskate123
    Kateskate123 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks guys! Awesome ideas (minus the giant donut picture... that's just mean! ;)
  • Arnolds Thin toasted with 1 egg, 1 slice canadian bacon and sargento light pepper jack cheese... 264 calories. full until lunch!