Trying to maintain

I am 5'2 and went down to about 117 pounds for my wedding. I have gained and am currently around 123 now. I would like to just maintain the weight I am at now and MFP has me at 1560 calories/ day. I am lightly active. I have been averaging about 100 extra calories per day. Is this going to catch up with me and I'll begin to gain or is MFP slightly on the low side for a calorie consumption goal.


  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Everyone is going to be a little different these are after all just estimates. Its sounds about right though. I'm 5'1" 132 and my maintenance is 1637 (probably lower when I get to 127).

    My guess isa 100 calories a day might catch up with you but very slowly. There are going to be things like a shopping trip that takes 3 hours of walking, helping a friend move, etc. etc that up your calories burned occaionally and there will be days you eat under that so you should be able to break even for some time.