Ugh life.

onichikun Posts: 21 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
So yah, I have been going strong for alittle more than a week... but now I have a lot of things weighing down on me..

I am a graduate student in Electrical Engineering working on my non-thesis masters degree and PhD. I have my PhD Qualifying examination in 11 days. I also have a teaching position to pay for my tuition that requires me to stay from 7:20pm-10:30pm in a lab 3 times a week. Homework and a job at a local engineering firm to help pay for other expenses. I have almost no free time, and since I have been spending quite a bit of time in the gym/preparing my own meals I have gotten behind on homework/studies/work.

I have the desire to start eating fast food and not exercise at all since I have so much crap weighing down.. but I need to learn how to accomplish everything without crashing back to my old habits. I have a little bit of a cold right now, and I fear that I am going to give up on losing weight soon because of all my other stress once I get better.

Really though, I just wanna give up on some of the other crap I need to do, and focus on getting my body/life into shape...


  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,514 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm working on my masters in computer science and I have a 17 month old. I am starting a full-on job search this month and will also be going to interviews. I have a huge goal to lose a lot of weight and I go to the gym every morning, after waking up at 5:00am. I go to sleep at 9:00pm in order to do this. This is totally doable, but you have to make a schedule of all the things you need to do. Also, in the beginning start with small things so that you get used to it. If something is not working with your schedule, change it around. Try the gym in the morning, in the middle of the day, or another time. The important thing is that you are important and you need to give your body the time it needs. You are worth it.

    We all have bad days, and that's normal. I would join a group here in MFP and get in a group so that you are accountable with each other and motivated. Also, you can get great snacking ideas, and tips on what to do. The point is to move your body.

    Good luck and I know you can do it!
  • lcmartin
    lcmartin Posts: 163 Member
    Don't give up. You can do it! Cheesy...I know, but true. Just think of how much stronger you will be for sticking through it all. Maybe you'll get into your own groove and find a way to manage meal planning a little better to suit your crazy schedule. Maybe making a bunch of meals on Sunday and freezing them so they're quick and handy for you to just grab!

    Hang in there!
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    I definitely understand the way you're feeling. I'm a medicine resident working 80 hours/week, applying for a fellowship and studying for the 3rd step of my boards. I just can't say I'm going to make it to the gym every day this week or even say for sure which days I'm going to go. But don't give up! It just involves a LOT of flexibility! On the days I get done early, I go to the gym and then have to be serious about my work. On the days I get done late, often it's not an option and I try to get work stuff done so that the next day I can try again. On weeks when work is insane, I try to eat healthy and be as active as I can, but not give up and try again the next week. I've also been packing my lunch which helps. You can do it!
  • I put on a lot of weight working towards my Mechanical Engineering degree because of the same stress (lots of school and too many activities)!! But I discovered it doesn't have to be all or nothing!! I agree, you can have your bad days, but don't beat yourself up about them! Just move on to the next day knowing you will feel better and try all you can without abusing your school and work. If not you'll just burn out and go back to old habits!! Balancing has been the hardest skill I've had to learn due to a strong perfectionist that makes me very dedicated to what I do! You can do both!!

    I wish you a lot of luck in your PhD!
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Same position here (law school) - I agree with the others, don't give up! But also, is there a possibility that you maybe cut back on the gym but climb the X flights of stairs to and from the lab, park further away, etc.? Homework is almost as much of a must as health (but not as much of course!) I'm certain there are some at-your-desk workouts that can be done and that might help with time management. And you can always try some crock pot meals in bulk that you freeze (maybe on Sunday) to have healthy, low calorie meals that you can just grab and go.

    We've all been there, and I promise, you can do it! Good luck!!
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