Exercises while Knee Injury is Healing

:smooched: Does anyone have ideas or specific exercises that I can do during the recovery of a knee injury? I have a grade 2 MCL sprain and my knee is in a brace, which pretty much limits walking, cardio, etc... I am able to do sit ups, etc. Would appreciate any ideas or thoughts!


  • scowper
    scowper Posts: 13 Member
    ouch! i feel your pain. i did 2 grade 3 tears in my ankle at the start of the year, not fun at all. personally, i didn't do anything for about a month, even just getting up to go to the toilet felt like too much hassle. once i was able to hobble around a bit, i started doing some yoga and pilates dvds, just upper body at first, and then graduating onto lower body as the tear repaired. they were great exercises for gradually re-introducing movement to my ankle. to be honest, i don't see why you shouldn't do sit-ups or other upper body muscle exercises, as long as it doesn't put strain on your knee. the worst thing you can do is push yourself too far too soon, you'll only increase your recovery time, i'm almost 9 months on and still know about it if i go for a power walk, and i daren't try running yet. maybe ask your physio or doctor what they'd recommend. good luck
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    :smooched: Does anyone have ideas or specific exercises that I can do during the recovery of a knee injury? I have a grade 2 MCL sprain and my knee is in a brace, which pretty much limits walking, cardio, etc... I am able to do sit ups, etc. Would appreciate any ideas or thoughts!

    1 legged spin bike for 15-20, whatever your but can take.

    1 legged rowing machine.

    Arm ergonometer.

    Mostly upperbody lifting if interested in weight loss, which is best anyway. Just can't use the biggest muscles in lower body for better effect.

    Actually, there is one standup hip machine for working glutes, the biggest muscle, very well, as well as all hip muscles. Bar goes on thigh, so above the knee.