Weigh Ins



  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    Never daily!!! That is nothing but disappointing and discouraging!! You weight can fluctuate daily, bloat, water weight, etc. Personally I go every 2 weeks or even a month, then I am sure to always see results.

    ALWAYS daily!!! For almost exactly the same reason!

    Your weight fluctuates every day. I know mine goes up by as much as 5 pounds sometimes. If you weigh yourself daily AND record it daily (that second part is key) you will be able to pull the signal from the noise, i.e. to see if you weight is going down over time despite a few days where your weight is way up.

    If you only weigh weekly or monthly, and you happen to do it on a high water weight day, you might think you aren't losing when you really are and get discouraged. That is what happened to me. I used to think "I am exercising and eating right and I have lost zero pounds this month!" and then give up. Now that I record my weight every day (and graph it in excel), I can see that I am actually losing around 5 pounds a month, even though there are some days when my scale weight is higher.
  • jrbb03092
    jrbb03092 Posts: 198 Member
    Never daily!!! That is nothing but disappointing and discouraging!! You weight can fluctuate daily, bloat, water weight, etc. Personally I go every 2 weeks or even a month, then I am sure to always see results.

    ALWAYS daily!!! For almost exactly the same reason!

    Your weight fluctuates every day. I know mine goes up by as much as 5 pounds sometimes. If you weigh yourself daily AND record it daily (that second part is key) you will be able to pull the signal from the noise, i.e. to see if you weight is going down over time despite a few days where your weight is way up.

    If you only weigh weekly or monthly, and you happen to do it on a high water weight day, you might think you aren't losing when you really are and get discouraged. That is what happened to me. I used to think "I am exercising and eating right and I have lost zero pounds this month!" and then give up. Now that I record my weight every day (and graph it in excel), I can see that I am actually losing around 5 pounds a month, even though there are some days when my scale weight is higher.

    I weigh daily for the same reasons. If I weighed weekly and I went up, I'd be devastated, whereas if I can see the ups and downs and know that overall the number is going down, I'm a happy camper.
  • kimberliiw
    kimberliiw Posts: 242 Member
    I officially "log" my Saturday morning weight. However, I tend to weigh daily but only to see if I am maintaining the weight from the previous weigh in. I have found that I don't see movement on the scales till Thursdays for a Saturday weigh in. For some reason it works that way for me.
    You could have written this for me because the exact same thing happens to me. The same WI day, monitoring daily to see if I maintain the loss and not seeing a scale movement til Thursday.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    This time around - once per month on a day I know I'm not retaining fluid or constipated.

    I used to get myself into so much trouble with the scales. If I lost weight, I relaxed and celebrated with a food treat.
    If I gained, I consoled myself with a food treat.

    Now I'm keeping my focus on my meals and my nutrition and only checking the scales occasionally. I'm considering weight loss a good side effect of changing my eating habits.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Never daily!!! That is nothing but disappointing and discouraging!! You weight can fluctuate daily, bloat, water weight, etc. Personally I go every 2 weeks or even a month, then I am sure to always see results.

    I weigh daily especially BECAUSE of the fluctuations. I understand them now. High sodium? I'm going to weigh more. Heavy lifting? I'm going to weigh more. TOM? I'm going to weigh more.

    If I only weighed once every few weeks, Murphy's Law would dictate that I would weigh on the the one day out of 14 that my weight was up 4 pounds from one of the above. :laugh:

    BUT... I also don't put a lot of stock in the scale.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Weekly for me, my weight fluctuates too much on a daily basis.
  • dedee32282
    Never daily!!! That is nothing but disappointing and discouraging!! You weight can fluctuate daily, bloat, water weight, etc. Personally I go every 2 weeks or even a month, then I am sure to always see results.

    ALWAYS daily!!! For almost exactly the same reason!

    Your weight fluctuates every day. I know mine goes up by as much as 5 pounds sometimes. If you weigh yourself daily AND record it daily (that second part is key) you will be able to pull the signal from the noise, i.e. to see if you weight is going down over time despite a few days where your weight is way up.

    If you only weigh weekly or monthly, and you happen to do it on a high water weight day, you might think you aren't losing when you really are and get discouraged. That is what happened to me. I used to think "I am exercising and eating right and I have lost zero pounds this month!" and then give up. Now that I record my weight every day (and graph it in excel), I can see that I am actually losing around 5 pounds a month, even though there are some days when my scale weight is higher.

    I think I'm going to try this out~! I've been SO discouraged lately b/c I usually weigh in on Saturday mornings and after a week of hard work seeing that number go up a few pounds is terrible! Weighing every day will hopefully help me see the little ups and downs and which way im heading overall!

    Thanks for the great ideas!!!
  • nathan6878
    nathan6878 Posts: 115 Member
    I have put myself on a schedule of weigh in on a Friday after I work out!! This way I kind of know how I did for the week. I used to weigh in every day, but I have learned that I become to depressed, and I am doing weight watchers online and was told just to do one weigh in per week!! And so far it has helped me out dropping twenty five pounds!!
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    once every few days... if I don't feel bloated, it's not TOM, etc...
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I weigh myself every morning but I only report losses once a week on Monday's. I like to see what my body is up to during the time in between.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    At least three times a week. I input the results onto a site like this to see the trend. The more data, the more useful the picture.
  • Tetonia
    Tetonia Posts: 79 Member
    I have a lot of problems with water retention. For this reason I weigh every day. I can compare how am I feeling and looking to the scale. The trend is what I am looking at, and I use Diet Power to track that information.

    Because of the fluctuations I use my lowest recent body weight as my true dry weight, and I use this number to plan with. The number may be higher for a week but usually it will drop to a new low every 7-10 days, then run higher again. Obviously if I haven't hit that number in two weeks then I assume I have gained.

    For example, two weeks ago my weight was 125.2, 125.2, 123.8, 124.2, 122.4, 121.2, 123.4, 125.2. I went by 121.2 as my new weight. The next week I stayed at 122.2 for 6 days straight, dropped to 120.8, and today I am back to 122.2. 120.8 is now my new number.

    If I only weighed once a month, that would give me 30 days to not know that my weight is trending up. To me that is a setback. As other people have said, if last week my weight was at a low, and the next week was a high water retention day and was higher, that would make me think I was gaining. I could probably get away with weighing once a week but the fluctuations don't affect my behavior and I know they are normal, and in fact, support sticking with my program so that I don't freak out over being a little up.

    I also measure every two weeks and use handheld monitor to calculate body fat percentages so that if the scale is not changing I can see the changes other ways.
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    I have chosen to weigh weekly. I would rather see a bigger loss from a week of work, rather than a small change day to day (or possibly a little gain or no loss). Now, I do think a daily weigh-in might be helpful when I hit goal, to try and keep myself in check.