40+ Club: Beating The Winter Bulge



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey Duffy...they make a beer with only 55 calories. Of course, it taste like it has only that many calories also. Sort of like water.

    We are getting a snow storm. We keep hearing all winter that this was going to happen. I guess no one is crying wolf this time. I am at work for the next four hours. Hope that I can get home.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Swiss, the snow has not arrived here yet. As of 1 pm we are just cloudy. You should be ok for your drive home.

    Pcaseyco, welcome! Indiana, PA is a very nice area, but a bit too isolated for me. Good luck with the big storm!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Woo Hoo!!!! Finally after 2 weeks and 3 days of no power I got it back on!!! I have never been so excited to do laundry in my life> Just wanted to say hello to everyone. Hope you are all doing well....
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hi Tron! I was wondering about you. I'm very glad that you have power...what happened? Best wishes to you and your family!
  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers. Glad to see you here.

    I am DISCOURAGED :cry: :cry: Check in this morning and I lost nothing... not even in measurements!!:cry::cry:

    I have been running everyday for 40 minutes and I have been eating the same... but it doesn't seem to be working!! It is getting very discouraging. I don't know what else to do or what I should change. Does anyone have any suggestions!! I don't mean to whine but I'm trying here and nothing seems to be working.

    Next week will be hard as I will be in Minnesota at my daughters babysitting for her... no exercise equipment there and no room in her house to exercise... hoping it is nice enough outside to go for a long walk every day. Is there anyone here from the Mankato, MN area? I will check in while I am there... I'm taking my laptop with me so I will have all my contacts with me.

    Hope everyone else had a better week than I did.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,811 Member
    2BLean, congratulations on finishing STS. :drinker: You SHOULD be proud of yourself. As I've said before, I think STS is the best strength training DVD system on the market (yes, better than P90X). Doing it for over six months is quite an accomplishment. So be proud! I hope you enjoy your next rotation and I, too, can't wait to do the undulating program in May! Woo-hoo! This will be so fun to workout with somebody.

    Of course, it would be nice if alf would join us. :bigsmile: In all seriousness, though, alf, STS IS a great program. If you've got any questions about it, please ask. It is quite an investment (both in terms of dollars and time), but well worth it in the end. The reason I prefer it to P90X is simply because I feel there is more variety (a different workout each week as opposed to the same workout over and over), and I think it covers the body more comprehensively. It is hard for me to say which one gave me better results (I might better be able to answer that question after this current rotation I am on), but I do think STS is a more thorough program than P90X. And great job with the Zumba!

    Cippia, welcome! :flowerforyou: It sounds like you've set a very reasonable goal for yourself. I lost 40 pounds last year (it took me about seven months), and I'm your age, so it can be done. Of course, I didn't attend any Pampered Chef conferences during that time where I know I would have been prone to overeating too! :laugh: But don't worry about that because, as famously put by Scarlett O'Hara, 'tomorrow is another day'. Have fun with Zumba!

    Swissmiss, I'm so happy to see you post! I was wondering about you. I hope you had a great birthday. Don't feel down on yourself for eating like you have been for the past week. We have ALL been through that at some stage or another (I had two MONTHS of it recently!) The last 10 pounds are really hard to lose, but don't get discouraged. You are doing something right because you aren't gaining weight. As far as the strength class goes, maybe it isn't working towards losing weight. But I can guarantee you are doing great things for your body by lifting weights. It is so important to do as we age, and I would hate for you to give up the benefits gained from doing it simply because you aren't losing those last few pounds.

    I hope both you and singfree (and anybody else back east!) are home safe and sound from that snow storm. Sounds like quite a storm! :noway:

    duffy, I hope you enjoy your Superbowl party! I hear you on the commercial thing. This will now be our 13th (!) Superbowl outside of the US (yikes!!), and I really do miss the commercials. I'm just happy that it comes on at a reasonable time over here instead of in the middle of the night (like it did in Europe).

    Welcome pcaseyco! I think using an upcoming holiday as motivation towards getting fitter/healthier is a great idea! I know it always helps me to have little goals out there, even now when I'm simply trying to maintain my weight. And it can be little things, like seeing people I've not seen for awhile and wanting to look my best. Or a vacation. So I hope you can keep that goal in mind. Good luck!! And who is the actor? Inquiring minds want to know. :tongue:

    tamarads, congrats on losing a pound. That's great for a week!

    RecliningFigure, of course you are welcome to join in. It is disturbing how the body reacts to foods, isn't it? I was mentioning the other day how my recent outburst over Christmas of eating every sweet in sight (and some that were tucked away :wink: ) resulted in me getting my first episode of night sweats.....every night while I was eating sweets. When I stopped the sweets, the sweating stopped as well. That's some scary stuff there, to be honest. But I think it is sometimes good to experience that as a reminder that healthy eating really IS a good option. At least it was a good reminder for me. Good job on the running!

    TRON!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I'm so happy to see you back. I've been worried about you! You were without power for 17 days?!? Was that because of the storms in California? I hope you are okay. I can't even begin to imagine being without power for that long. I'm so happy you are still with us. Please let us know how you are doing. And, also, I've been thinking about your brother. Any news on him?

    hisangel, don't be discouraged!! I know...that's easy for somebody to say, isn't it? But like Swissmiss, you are in that boat of trying to lose those last few pounds, and it takes alot of time. There are some key things to think about when trying to lose the last ten pounds because it isn't necessarily just about the diet. I think there are alot of keys to it: making sure what you are eating is as 'clean' as possible; making sure you are ramping up the intensity of your workouts; making sure you are eating enough, etc. And, finally, it is being patient. These are pounds the body doesn't want to lose because the body likes to have that weight buffer. So you really have to convince your body that it is okay to lose the weight because you aren't going to starve it to death. That's why eating a bit more while ramping up the exercise is the absolute best way of losing those last pounds. I know that's how I did it. I took my calories up to maintenance and worked my butt off! And it worked really well for me. So don't feel discouraged. Just try playing around with your diet and calories a bit more. For instance, if you are running for 40 minutes each day at a steady state, start doing intervals with that run on some day. That will shock your body. If you are constantly hungry, try eating a little bit more (but clean calories all the way). Those are some simple suggestions....but don't get down on yourself. You are doing good things for your body simply by working out and eating right, and don't forget that. Studies have shown that losing 10 pounds isn't significant to your health (they are called vanity pounds because it really is for looks that people are losing those last 10 pounds, not for health reasons), and I'd hate to see you give up on the great things you are doing for your health because you are discouraged.

    And don't worry about next week too much. As long as you eat right, you won't gain weight. And when you get home, you'll be right on track to hit the workouts again. :flowerforyou:

    Four hours until the line dancing starts! :drinker: I'm looking forward to a fun night. I'm having guests for Sunday brunch, which I'm looking forward to as well. So that means two big breakfasts this weekend (Sunday and Superbowl Monday), but I have found healthy options and I LOVE breakfast food. So it is all good in my book. Today was a day off working out, and after yesterday....I needed it. I may take tomorrow off too, and then start the next round of STS on Monday.

    Enjoy your weekend.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS FOR EVERYONE))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Thanks Strng ans Sing! I have missed you all so much. Yes we lost power because of the storm. First we had a huge lightning bolt over head which knocked out our power. Then after 3 days of no power and trees started breaking because of the weight of the snow. One broke and hit the side of my house and tore the meter off. I called pge and after 2 days they showed up and took notes on what needed to be done. 3 days after that they showed up and fixed the pole that was broken infront of my house, cut my lines, and said... The rest is your responsibility to fix.... Thanks, you couldnt have told me that a week ago so I could have gotten started. After we were done updating the box to todays codes it took 2 days for the inspecter to come out and another 2 days for pge to come out. Quite the ordeal but we all survived.

    Now I need everyones help. I HAVE to lose weight for my daughters wedding on March 27th. I want to lose about 15 lbs. So dont let me get away with any excuses.

    My husband just came home from work so I'll write more later.....

    Take care guys!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    It's a beautiful winter wonderland here!!!! We have about 5 inches on the ground with an additional inch or so expected. 30 miles north of us in Scranton (home of "The Office") got no snow at all. 30 miles south of us got a foot of snow. It looks like the big winner? is DC. 2 feet of the white stuff. Our friends in Arlington VA, a DC suburb are socked in.

    TODAY is why we own a Subaru. Worth it's weight in gold. We will be good to go this afternoon. I already have cabin fever!

    Have a great weekend!
  • mrpintobean
    mrpintobean Posts: 16 Member
    With the approval of the group I would like to join. After reading the posts I feel I will fit right in, not afraid to post disappointments and proud to post accomplishments. I am located in middle GA but I am originally from the DFW Texas area. What a motivation, to know I have a place with partners willing to provide daily encouragement if needed. If I am accepted, you have my promise I will be there daily to give the same encouragement when you need it. That is my promise.
  • tamarads
    Welcome mrpintobean :smile: This is a great group of people, very kind, always encouraging! Glad you found us!:happy:
  • mrpintobean
    mrpintobean Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for the welcome, I am glad I found this group and look forward to sharing positive results (thinking positive there) I stopped smoking about 2 years ago and it seemed the day I stopped 25 lbs jumped on my body. My goal is 50 lbs by June, and I know I can do this.

    Have a good weekend.. Good luck to you.
  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Writing from my mom's desk in Jackson MS. about to go buy her a new vacuum and visit my sister's and my dad's graves. Saw my brother-in-law qith the new liver last night. He looks great. He developed cataracts from the high doses of steroids after the transplant. He had one fixed on Monday and will have the other fixed next Monday. They are coming out to Texas with their 8 year old daughter at the end of the month to see us. We are excited.

    Tron: glad you have power back!
    Swiss: hang in there!
    Sing and everyone in the northeast: Stay warm and safe.
    Mrpintobeam: Welcome. I am from Mississippi but live in the DFW area (live in Denton and work in Dallas). Have great Saturday all!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Tex, glad to hear that things are looking up for your family.

    Welcome mrpinobean. Glad to have you aboard. Let us know how you are doing.

    We got our winter storm last night. About 8 inches of snow on the ground with a couple more expected tomorrow. My husband spent the morning shoveling the road in front of our house. He is from PA and loves to do this.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    MrPinto, of course you are welcome.

    Sing, the storm completely missed us, it stayed south. My sister-in-law in NC said the kids only went to school for about 1/2 day this week, the weather has been so bad down there. How weird is that? We've had some cold snaps this Winter here in CT, but not too much snow. I hope I didn't jinx us with that!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Well, we survived the storm just fine. We had 8 inches of snow in total...other towns had MUCH more (Phil. 29 in.). Now we are bracing for the next storm on Tue-Wed. I'll get in shape by shoveling snow.

    Have a great super Sunday!

    Go Saints-Go Colts!!
  • JuliaSoCal
    Sunday morning check in... I am down1.1 pounds from last week :)


    Yesterday was interesting because I could not CONTROL my food choices....I had to make my best guesses as to what I ate.

    I was served a chicken salad made with cranberries, cashews and apples It was yummy!. Served on an crossoint(SP???) . So made my sandwich with only half of the bread. I tried to find a match on the food data base...

    Anyway...happy to see I am still making progress.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Welcome to all the new members! It is so exciting this group is growing. :drinker:

    Julia, congrats on the weight loss!!! :drinker: That is great progress!! Croissants are delicious but very high in calories. Good thing you only ate half. That was a smart choice.

    Sing, I bet all that snow looks beautiful. I have not seen any snow in almost 12 yrs, since I left Germany. :grumble: Yes, it can be a hassle sometimes if it is a lot and you have to drive but it is soooooo beautiful.

    Tron, glad to hear from you and that you have power now. :noway: (((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) How is your brother doing?

    Swiss, I like your new picture!!! Take care!!

    Tex, glad you are visiting with your family. I can't wait to go home to Puerto Rico in March and see my parents. I am going from 10-24 Mar!! I am glad to hear your brother in law is doing well, too bad he had complications with the medication. It is good they can fix the cataracts now. :flowerforyou:

    Today I am just planning on getting a Zumba routine ready for Thursday. I am doing a special workout for Valentine's Day. I want to make it more like a party, more fun than a regular Zumba routine. I also asked my students to wear something red and bring a friend who has never come to my class. I am giving away a little gift. I am not a football fan so I will not be watching the Super Bowl, sometimes I watch, if I catch it on time, the half time show and some of the commercials. :laugh:

    Take care!!! :flowerforyou:
  • mrpintobean
    mrpintobean Posts: 16 Member
    I know Denton very well. My wiffe lives in Azle, that will be our retirement home. I am in GA until Oct or till I sell the house here, which ever comes first. The sooner I get back to Texas the sooner I can retire to fishing and learning golf.

    Good luck to you
  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    Welcome MrPinto..... Stiring thanks for the words of encouragement. I am going to try to change up my routine a bit... and see if it works.. I am going to try to get in a couple of workouts while at my daughters... I will at least be trying to go for a walk everyday. My diet I can handle.... and maybe teach my grandkids some healthy simple meals that they can help prepare.

    We went snowshoeing yesterday for about 90 minutes... I can't believe how many calories are burned snowshoeing!! And it is something I love to do. Yesterday when we were walking on the river we came across a 2yr old doe who had been hit by a snowmobiler! ARGH!!! Why can't they be more careful!! This poor thing had a broken front leg and a broken neck and was still struggling and alive. We had seen some friends just a few minutes before so my husband went back to them to see if they had a cell phone and called the police. Me.. I stayed with the injuried doe.. sat down on the ice with her and was petting her and talking to her to keep her calm so she wouldn't trash around so much and wouldn't be in as much pain. the hardest part was when the police arrived and "put her down". I had tears in my eyes as we walked away. Why can't people on snowmobiles be more careful.!! Sorry guys Had to rant a bit there... my husband was calling me the "deer whisperer" all afternoon... said that he didn't think the doe would let me get that close and touch it but it did.

    This afternoon I have to finish packing... do laundry and housework, spend some time with my little sister (from Big Brothers/Sisters) and go into work and finish decorating for Valentines. Maybe I'll get in a short workout here at home this evening...

    Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Julia, be careful with those crossants. I know....I didn't spell it right. They have a lot of calories. And they taste like it..I love them.

    :flowerforyou: Thank you alf. I tried to make the picture a bit larger but couldn't. My daughter took it with her phone. All I asked was that she leave my fuzzy slippers out of the pic.

    :flowerforyou: Angel, I can imagine how you felt. I always feel bad when I see a deer that has been killed on the highway. My husband just sees dinner.:noway:

    mrpinto, just do not use a gulf cart while gulfing. You will get a lot more exercise.

    sing, do you have any idea how much snow Williamsport got?

    I am doing much better. Think I have my head screwed on right again. I have been very good in my food choices. I did miss Zumba yesterday due to the snow. The class was canceled.

    I am thinking of trying to do hot wings in a healthy way. Anton Brown steams his wings before baking them. I am going to try that. Then, I will use fat free yogurt with bleu cheese.