Seeking motivation and encouragement

I'm 26, severely overweight and generally depressed because of this fact I've tried losing weight several times and have lost some and have gained a lot. I want to really give it my all this time and need some encouragement and cheers to drive me. Care to be a pal and play the part for me?


  • Hi honey i know how you feel if u ever need to talk feel free to contact me . I have been deprested and losing and gaining weight sabotaging myself till i found the way to overcome that by planing meals ahead keeping food diary that really helped me keep on point and since i started exercising regurally my depression disappeared.and i feel great . Whatever u do dont give up ;)
  • kas2113
    kas2113 Posts: 24
    It's a struggle but don't give up! I think you have come to the right place for support and motivation :smile:
  • moraldd
    moraldd Posts: 99
    HI Jeski, seems you've been here for a while but haven't been using the site. The fact that you are here though means that you know what you have to do to lose the weight but there's something holding you back. You are the only one who can figure that out. Some of us use food to self medicate, we have to get to the root of why we overeat. It could be some deep rooted emotional issues that we aren't even aware of. You have to get inside your head and heart, seek professional help if you have to and deal with the REAL issues that are causing you to overeat. You have all the pieces to the puzzle you just have to figure out how to put it together. I won't tell you it's easy but it is possible. Whatever you do NEVER give up on yourself. Keep trying until you find the right key to open the door to your success because you are SOOOO worth it.
  • Hi,
    I started losing weight this summer, then made a slip and gained some back. Now I'm here again, willing to give it another try. I think that is the key, don't get disappointed even if you occasionally do something you shouldn't. Keep logging your food whenever you can. It really helps with controlling portions. (I've been losing and gaining weight for years and I'm never quite happy about it. This seems to be normal. Don't be harsh on yourself.)
  • KBE1990
    KBE1990 Posts: 38
    Hi Jeski. Just wanted you to know that you can do it! As long as it's what you want, and you put your mind to it, you can do it! If I can lose 210lbs, you can lose weight too! Losing weight isn't easy, but it's WELL worth it! Just keep trying and NEVER EVER give up!
  • Wannabeachday
    Wannabeachday Posts: 122 Member
    I am exactly were you are right now. Over weight and depressed as hell. Halloween is coming up and everyone is asking what I am going to be (invited to a party) and all my friends are getting these little cute costumes and I am trying to figure out which will cover me up the best! Its such a crappy feeling. I haven't been like this ever. I signed up on this site 17 months ago and today is the first day I came back. I had a nutrition class and we had to log what we ate. I decided to come back because I think it is helpful to see what you are really putting in your mouth. That's the first step so WE can do it together and with the rest of the wonderful people on here :) Keep your head up and stay focused.
  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    Don't give up. You can do this. It all starts in your head. It's a mind game. Once you know how to bend the rules in your head, you will be succesful. Every one who has won, or is almost at the finish line of this game knows this. Don't let your mind win this game. :-)
  • sh4690
    sh4690 Posts: 169 Member
    You can add me if you want for some encouragement!

    We are all in the same boat and have the same sort of goals.

    Just stay positive and motivated, this is mainly a very positive site to use!

    Keep staying positive and you will reach your goals in time :D x