Pre-adding food to my food diary.



  • teneh
    teneh Posts: 39
    I do it all the time! I don't see anything wrong with it (:
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I do that everyday.... My husband and I went to the movies this last weekend and I knew what I was having before I even left.....
  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    There's no WAY for me to meet my caloric restrictions or meet my exercise goals WITHOUT pre-planning. However, I DO often pre-plan and then I edit said plan, depending on how my day is going!

    Ditto for me. I finally found the MOVE option in the food diary.
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    I always do it, it's easy because M-F most of my meals are the same. Then on the weekend I know what treats I want or that I'm going out to a restaurant and pre-enter those high calories so I can work the rest of my day around it and know how much exercise I need to put in.
  • jensweighingin
    jensweighingin Posts: 168 Member
    I've been preplanning and logging my meals whenever I can. I've edited when needed, but it takes the 'worry' about what I'm eating and it's done. I don't prelog exercise, because the burn can change! I do workout in the morning, so that's easy to log when I get to work or get home.
  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    Pre-planning food is fine, but I would never pre-log a workout.

    Yes, this too. Because once you log it, it stays on your feed page even if you delete the exercise. If you add another exercise, it will add it but not subtract. You gotta earn it or else you wont do it.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    I think it is better to pre-plan that get to that day, wonder what to eat and making a bad choice.

    I pre-plan meals especially on very busy days. I also prepare the snacks, fruits, I weight food and package everything. Sometimes I am on the go all day and without preparing the night before I would not be able to go on with this diet.

    The important thing is to not forget to also add things you eat besides the pre-plan.
  • paulywoo
    paulywoo Posts: 169 Member
    I like to pre plan my meals so I don't go browsing in the refrigerator when I'm hungry. I also walk my dogs twice a day for 40 mins so I update this each morning. Any other exercises like swimming I only update after I've done them.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    pre-planning helps see where u will be at for the day and it is not set in stone, it can be adjusted. it also lets you know if you have some wiggle room for an unexpected treat or whether u should pass on it that day. it also gives you a real idea of what you are consuming, for example: i CAN eat 3 or 4 tacos (loaded up with cheese, sour cream, taco sauce, etc.) but i'm satisfied after 2, plug in the numbers ahead of time and decide is that 3rd taco really worth it, when i'm not actually hungry it just tastes good
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I plan my day. Otherwise how will you know if you can roll with things that come up? I don't add exercise until I do it. It doesn't really matter though, I eat the same amount regardless.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    That is how I do it. I usually leave my snacks unplanned (with calories to be used there) and I don't hit "Complete entry" until the evening, after I have eaten, exercised, and adjust my log

    If it works for you then it isn't bad. If it doesn't work, go back to adding each thing as it is done.
  • cbenno97
    cbenno97 Posts: 130 Member
    Pre-planning is vital to keeping me on track. I love doing the math (OK--so MFP does all the calculations) ahead of time and amending as necessary as most people have said. I will sometimes add food items a day ahead, so again, I have an idea of what I am supposed to eating (and can adjust accordingly)--this is also particularly helpful with monitoring my macros.
  • InPieces3
    InPieces3 Posts: 215
    I have done both pre-planning and NOT planning and I find that I stay on track better with the pre-planning. I suppose it just depends on YOU and what YOU like, but for me it helps me stay on track. You can always edit if you find something you would rather substitute something with. :)
  • KabbyGU
    KabbyGU Posts: 158 Member
    Pre logging food is great! I highly recommend it...just don't beat yourself up if you need to change something (or a lot of things sometimes). Every day brings unexpected events and feelings that sometimes affect our eating plans. So plan ahead but keep in mind that it's okay to make changes.
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    I like to plan out my day ahead of time. I find it stops me from indulging in other things, because I know what I'm going to eat for the day and I know whether there's wiggle room. if I don't plan ahead I tend to fall into the trap of eating extra things while I'm at work and telling myself I'll make up for it at dinner, which never works because my dinners are all premade and frozen so can't really be altered!