Newbie looking for friends!

Hey all, I'm new here, just joined earlier this week. You can read more about my story on my profile, but basically I'm restarting my weight loss journey. I was doing really well last year, and then some things in my life caused me to lose all of my motivation, and my health subsequently deteriorated. Now that things are going well for me, I'm ready to get back into taking care of myself.

I'm a member of Fitocracy (feel free to friend me on there if you're a Fitocrat as well - username 'gruneaugen'), which is how I found out about this site. Last year, I attempted to track my calories on and honestly, everything about that website drove me so nuts that I lost all interest in using it. MFP is so much easier to use and I'm already a big fan of the community on here.

Currently, I'm doing C25K, and eventually want to do Starting Strength. I want to be able to regularly run in 5Ks and then move up to 10Ks and then hopefully continue up from there.

I'd love to have some friends on here so we can motivate each other! So please, friend away :)