Getting My Groove Back by 40 & seeking balance after ED

Hello, I'm Kelly and I'm looking for some fitness pals. I would like to get down to a size 10 again by my 40th birthday in April and also do a mountain trail 5K in the spring. For six weeks I trained for a 10 mile hike in Glacier National Park and now I'm doing 30 Day Shred and Couch to 5 K running program (but am fighting shin splints). I live in the mountains of Montana and love hiking, camping, and spending time at the lake or on the river. I'd like to learn how to cross country ski this winter! I love, love, love lifting weights and am trying to learn to enjoy cardio. I know I don't like classes or anything that requires coordination, but I seem to like to train for events or do programs that have a finite time window.

I recently lost 35 pounds via eliminating processed foods, white flour, red meat, and sugar from my diet. I counted calories for most of my life and I will not count calories ever again. For me, small meals and more natural is better. I believe all food has socio-economic repercussions, so I choose foods based on my beliefs as well as their calorie content. I have struggled with compulsive eating for years (yes, I've sought professional treatment). I find that substituting stress relievers like exercise, gardening, and meditation work best for me in preventing binges. I know HOW to eat well. I just need to consciously take the time to do those activities which will reduce my stress and make me less likely to self-medicate with excess food.

I just think it would be nice to have people to talk to about exercise and fitness. I love seeing success stories!