Intimidated by the gym?



  • JerseyPook
    I use a community centre that's often full of young dudes, & I'm in my 30s. I'm no bunny, but I'm not treated like someone's aunty either.

    I get looks because I'm the only female anywhere near the weights, but I think it's mostly just curiosity/novelty. I think they're just like, 'hunh'.

    The atmosphere is pretty respectful overall. I've been offered help when I was confused (adjusting the benches, which I think are as old as I am) or hurt (trapped under a BB). (Still don't think I'd ask anyone to spot me or anything, though.)

    Well, that's definitely encouraging!! Thank you!!
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    its not high school ya twit
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member

    Well, that's definitely encouraging!! Thank you!!

    No worries!

    Honestly, I think they respect the effort, if anything. Plus, good thing about being a bit older: no worries about being picked up , you can just do your thing :)

    Go forth and lift in peace :)
  • titi4j
    titi4j Posts: 97 Member
    A few years back I got a gym membership and a personal trainer. I was so embarrassed because of my weight and the gym was full of college kids. When I told my trainer that. He said, "trust me, the people here are so self absorbed, they don't even notice you!" That really helped me cause as I looked around, I realized he was right! They were all so worried about looking "just so" that they didn't even notice me. Go in with a smile on your face knowing that you're improving your health every time you step in there :)
  • JerseyPook
    A few years back I got a gym membership and a personal trainer. I was so embarrassed because of my weight and the gym was full of college kids. When I told my trainer that. He said, "trust me, the people here are so self absorbed, they don't even notice you!" That really helped me cause as I looked around, I realized he was right! They were all so worried about looking "just so" that they didn't even notice me. Go in with a smile on your face knowing that you're improving your health every time you step in there :)

    Solid advice, thank you!! I know it's "silly" to be intimidated at my age. But, I guess it can happen to anyone.
  • JerseyPook
    its not high school ya twit

    Yes...well, I do realize that...however, it's FILLED with high school kids and I feel like grandma going to water aerobics!!!
  • thathockeychick23
    Just go for it. Once you get into your workout, you probably won't even notice they are there. And I bet they're so into their workouts they won't even notice you. I can understand the feelings of intimidation. But you can do it.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    planet fitness is a good place and full price is only 20 bucks a month, every gym I've ever worked out in people where super friendly. Teenage kids are a push over but they don't know what to do for themselves.

    If you just make yourself go after time you'll get used to it and adapted. Good Luck
  • illyich
    illyich Posts: 195 Member
    I go to the gym all the time, and I'm socially awkward and quiet. I had to get over my uncomfort of being around lots of other people. Once I went up to a bench press machine someone was using - the kind with all the side pegs for weight racks - and started pulling off the weights that he was actually using. Thankfully, I realized what was going on while he just stared at me. Good times!

    Get a routine going, have one planned before you go. Don't be afraid to ask for help or advice, and LOOK UP PROPER FORM! Barbells and dumbbells work better than machines, since they work your stabilizer muscles as well. Most of the machines are kind of silly.
  • proctorcj
    It took about 3 weeks for me to really start feeling people acknowledge me and even let me work in sets with them if the gym is so packed that all the machines are taken...remember (and this took a bit for me to get through my thick skull LOL) that everyone in there is there to excersise. You should do fine!! : )
  • JerseyPook
    Ok!! I'm going to suck it up, put on my big girl panties and just do it!!!!
  • proctorcj
    The hardest part about working out is going...the easy part is once your there...just be yourself and in time you will start seeing the same faces over and over and it will just become routine and youll start going more and more hehehe especially once you start seeing gets addicting LOL
  • lexusgirl1
    I hate going to the gym, will go eventually when my weight will plateau, right now i'm still losing with running outside. All my insecurities just surface there.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    The first day will be hard, the first week will be difficult. Just get through that. Each successive week you'll feel more and more at home until eventually you practically own the place. been there done that ;)
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    Just go :)

    I use the local YMCA and its packed with high school kids around the time I am able to go workout. Honestly I think they like having a few adults around plus kids are fun I chat it up with the regular kids quite often just be yourself and get moving once they know your there to do your thing they won`t even look anymore they will be too into what they are doing ( kids that age are also EXTREMELY self conchess so they tend to focus more on them than those around them )
  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    It will only feel weird until you get in a groove and make it "your gym" then you will look forward to going and cruise on through!
  • tubaman58
    tubaman58 Posts: 151
    The weight lifters especially, often seem to be in their own world, but I think you will find over time that most of them are really very supportive of "New" people
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    the majority of people at the gym are into what they are doing. they will only notice you if you make unusual noises or stink really bad

    seriously, have a set idea what you will be doing there and dont walk around aimlessly

    They will notice you... eventually. By eventually I mean after you've built a routine and you start seeing familiar faces in and out and they will recognize your dedication and consistency (or lack there of) and probably notice your progress well before you do. But for the most part, everyones in there to do their thing and go home. The people who are constantly people watching/judging clearly arent there to do work so forget them.
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    Don't worry about them! Like everyone else says, they're just there to do their thing. No one is going to pay attention unless you're being weird or something lol. You can do it!
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    I agree that it takes a week or two to get comfortable, but you might also try different times of day if you can. The age doesn't bother me, but some of our teenagers are chatty and a bit bold. I've found that by adjusting my times just slightly, I can avoid the bulk of that. :)