Just Rejoined and Need Accountability

I decided to go off MFP a couple months ago, deactivated my account and everything. Boy was that a stupid thing I did!! I thought I could go it alone, but things really went backward. My eating has gotten out of control. I've gained at least 8 lbs and feel just horrible physically and emotionally. My clothes are starting not to fit, either, and I can't afford to get new ones and refuse to, also. I do have a Fitbit, but I need the support of people to make me accountable for what I eat and to encourage me to exercise more. Please feel free to add me as friend. I'm great at giving support and accountability back. Thanks!


  • Hey there!

    I've tried MFP too, had success, then went off the program and went way off track. I love the buddy system here. Support and friends in this journey is definitely what I need. I'll add you! I love giving support and accountability too.

  • jesspnk4
    jesspnk4 Posts: 34 Member
    I agree! I have only logged in on and off during the past couple months. My dog became very sick and passed away last Sunday. With all the stress during the past few months I haven't been focusing on me! I would love to be buddies and help each other stay on track!
  • not_alone
    not_alone Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, thanks for sharing this. I don't think anyone can do anything vital (or even important) without help and support from others. Glad you're here. I hope you don't crash diet to get rid of those 8.
  • msbran77
    msbran77 Posts: 63 Member
    Feel free to add Me
  • sarahsummers12
    sarahsummers12 Posts: 128 Member
    I did the same thing.. I've been back on for a month now... so welcome back and feel free to add me for support! :-)
  • totalhealth12
    totalhealth12 Posts: 212 Member
    Hi, thanks for sharing this. I don't think anyone can do anything vital (or even important) without help and support from others. Glad you're here. I hope you don't crash diet to get rid of those 8.

    No worries, "Not_Alone." I get too hungry to crash diet...haha! It's all about a lifestyle change. :smile:
  • LCgymnast
    LCgymnast Posts: 258
    Happy to hear that you're back to get fit and healthy. I'll be honest with you, I thought I could stay under control with my own weight goals alone, but it was just disastrous. I had reached the heaviest in my life. This site has just helped my tremendously to keep track of what I'm eating and how much. Together we'll get healthy with the each others support and this awesome website.
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    I appreciate the support on here, noone at home muchwants to hear about my diet! I haven't been updating my food diary EVERY day this week but I'm on every day, friend me if you like! Best of luck!
  • tcnv76
    tcnv76 Posts: 2 Member
    I've gone on and off a lot of different diet and weight loss programs through the years, so I know that feeling - when you think you have it all under control and you want to do it all on your own. Since I've been tracking on MFP in February, I haven't closed my account. The last two months, I've gone through a lot of stress in my life - and I thought I might take a little break from MFP. But for some reason I ended up finding solace in journaling on MFP. Even on the days that I went over my calorie count. It helped keep me honest with myself instead of being in denial. It also helped me from the emotional beat downs when I thought I was overeating, because I knew exactly how much i overate. Anyways, that was long winded - and I hope that helps to inspire you to keep on going. Like the tortoise, slow and steady wins the race. Feel free to add me for support!
  • overit75
    overit75 Posts: 150 Member
    Welcome back! I had also deactivated my account last year and figured I could do it on my own and I found out the hard way that I was wrong! Good luck!
  • Hi - I'm new here. I just joined tonight. I put in my food and realized I had eaten twice as much today as I should have. I mean, I knew I was bad - but didnt know I was THAT bad. I have about 70 lbs I want to lose and just had a baby in April. I plan to go grocery shopping the first of next week, purchase new foods and start exercising regularly.

    Any support would be appreciated and I will give in return! :)

    Also, any EASY recipe ideas for a stay at home mom? I have 2 little ones and need foods that I can eat and feed my picky kid! :)

    Good luck to you!
  • Hi! I am new to the site and would love to offer and receive support along this journey. I was using a different app for quite some time, and like many of you, thought I had everything under control and tried to do this on my own. WRONG! So, I am here and prepared to be accountable to myself, and anyone else who wants to buddy up, and get myself back on track.

    A bit about me: I have struggled with severe obesity for my entire life, and finally had weigh loss surgery just about 2 years ago. I lost 175 pounds and thought that I had made lasting, permanent lifestyle changes. However, I have recently started some bad habits again, and lost my iron sense of control that I had for the initial year and half after my surgery. As a result of my weight loss, I have made enormous gains in my overall health and I am terrified of regaining the weight and developing all of those health problems again. Also, I am a single mom of 6 year old twin boys who both have special needs, and parenting them as a woman at a healthy weight is infinitely better than parenting as an obese woman. I cannot allow myself to regain and become less of a capable, active, and happy mom. I owe them this.

    I have regained nearly 20 pounds, and am terrified that I will continue to gain. So, here I am. Ready to work hard and get myself back on track. Thanks in advance for any support you offer, and please let me know how I can be most supportive to all of you. Looking forward to getting to "know" you all!

  • totalhealth12
    totalhealth12 Posts: 212 Member
    Thank you all for replying to my post and for "friending" me. It's just the encouragement I need, and I am ready to support you all!! :smile: