Lots of women friends



  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    I am a self proclaimed proud collector.

    But that is only because my friends have an uncomfortable clown fetish.
    Agreed \m/
  • TonyM1984
    TonyM1984 Posts: 267
    I have 69 friends all women! I have tried to get male friends on here but for some reason they drop me off their list. I like talking to dudes about sports and fitness stuff but for some reason, It just doesnt work out or whatever! I've had dude requests but some requests have been strange! Ok, if you are going to FR another guy, let him know why you want him to be on your list like, "hey I also love to play basketball", or "hey, I I want to add you cause I need to improve on some muscle growth and I think you could help". Or something like that I dont know.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    I made fake dude accounts and then friended them.
  • Bethie_B
    Bethie_B Posts: 292 Member
    I am a self proclaimed proud collector.

    But that is only because my friends have an uncomfortable clown fetish.

    Mmmm, clowny goodness....
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    I have great friends that are mostly women, yes. The guy friends feel awkward when I flirt with them! :laugh:
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Me too. Although I do have a fair amount of guy friends. This place is dominated by women, so the ratio will certainly be skewed.

    hahhaa. Women have taken over MFP.

    Not enough men on here, I know. I mainly have girls on my list.
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    IRL, I get along better with women, not men. There is a reason God gave me daughters.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    choosing whether to accept half naked man friends on here always puts me between between Dwayne Johnson & a hard place.
  • GoalByFifty
    GoalByFifty Posts: 97 Member
    I was in a 7+ year relationship with a woman who I loved dearly. During the last year or so of our relationship we both became active with MFP and I started to accrue friends, many of them women. Together, myself and my then fiance would go to the gym in the mornings and I would post my exercise, and my phone would be buzzing with comments/feeback. She was never trusting of me but had nothing to fear, and she began to suspect I was up to something. It breaks my heart to think she felt so little of me, especially when I was prepared to spend my life with her. I see nothing wrong with having friends of any sex, origin, or background - and the support offered here by complete strangers is tremendous and has helped me achieve my goals. It's unfortuanate that what I thought was a strong bond was truly built on a house of cards. Good luck!
  • TonyM1984
    TonyM1984 Posts: 267
    choosing whether to accept half naked man friends on here always puts me between between Dwayne Johnson & a hard place.

    haha! The Rock! I get it!
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Sweet! I am in the same boat. ill def friend request you. Any of the guys that needs a another male support hit me up
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    I was in a 7+ year relationship with a woman who I loved dearly. During the last year or so of our relationship we both became active with MFP and I started to accrue friends, many of them women. Together, myself and my then fiance would go to the gym in the mornings and I would post my exercise, and my phone would be buzzing with comments/feeback. She was never trusting of me but had nothing to fear, and she began to suspect I was up to something. It breaks my heart to think she felt so little of me, especially when I was prepared to spend my life with her. I see nothing wrong with having friends of any sex, origin, or background - and the support offered here by complete strangers is tremendous and has helped me achieve my goals. It's unfortuanate that what I thought was a strong bond was truly built on a house of cards. Good luck!

    Gotta have trust. Did you hand her the phone and say you have nothing to hide? My wife knows everything about me... and knows she has my heart. Yes, I do openly flirt, but only in a jokingly matter, and never hide it. She doesn't give me too much grief over my MFP "girlfriends"... because it's not reality, just fun.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I've been thinking that in my real life I have a higher proportion of male friends - maybe 30% ish meno to women and including gay of both genders, so my MFP profile isn't quite in keeping with that. But I suppose it's a rather limited form of contact. I'm immensely grateful for all my MFP friends - but of any chaps out there who would like to add me for (non-flirty) support please feel free to send me an invite!
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    a lot (not all), but a lot of guys I see regularly are what I consider "meatheads."

    "Dude, you gotta drink a 100g protein shake every morning or you'll be fat!"
    "Whatcha bench?"

    Oh, and spewing all sorts on gym nonsense on a regular basis. Not needed. That being said, I've got 9 male freinds. And so far, none seem to be a meathead!
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    The majority seem to be female. And they're the cool females, too, almost all arrived by virtue of the weeping angel and all.
  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    I have much more female to male friend in mpf but outside in reality the story is different.
    Well, I confess watching women's beautiful shape inspire me more than watching men.

    I am really curious to know what do girls do? Which one they prefer ? Do the like to be noticed by males mostly or females?

    I like to have more female friends on MFP because their goals (and problems) are often similar to mine.I find it more inspireing when I see one of them reach (or solve) them.

    Also men are way easier to impress.If a girl props or compliments me it means more to me because in most cases I had to work quite hard to achieve it.
    Once I tried to give my opinion and some advice to a lady in mfp . she felt I am tring to insult her !and delet me of her friends list.

    And pesonally when a female compliment me I become more cheered up than a man do.
    Some people are more sensitive to people's opinions. I'd rather have them delete me as I don't want cry babies on my list. I want intelligent people on my list who can take and give their opinions without getting their feelings hurt.
  • GoalByFifty
    GoalByFifty Posts: 97 Member
    I was in a 7+ year relationship with a woman who I loved dearly. During the last year or so of our relationship we both became active with MFP and I started to accrue friends, many of them women. Together, myself and my then fiance would go to the gym in the mornings and I would post my exercise, and my phone would be buzzing with comments/feeback. She was never trusting of me but had nothing to fear, and she began to suspect I was up to something. It breaks my heart to think she felt so little of me, especially when I was prepared to spend my life with her. I see nothing wrong with having friends of any sex, origin, or background - and the support offered here by complete strangers is tremendous and has helped me achieve my goals. It's unfortuanate that what I thought was a strong bond was truly built on a house of cards. Good luck!

    Gotta have trust. Did you hand her the phone and say you have nothing to hide? My wife knows everything about me... and knows she has my heart. Yes, I do openly flirt, but only in a jokingly matter, and never hide it. She doesn't give me too much grief over my MFP "girlfriends"... because it's not reality, just fun.

    yes, she was given the phone and chose not to look, i guess she didn't want the facts to get in the way of what was in her mind. Her trust issues were there long before me, and I suspect won't change. she hooked up with someone new rather quickly, and it's a shame. she lost a good guy who really loved her - and now it's someone else's issue to deal with.
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    Too much math. How am I supposed to figure all that out. It's not like I had a double major in college or something....

    I would friend you cause I'm too lazy to do the math but it might upset your male:female ratio. LOL
  • GoalByFifty
    GoalByFifty Posts: 97 Member
    Too much math. How am I supposed to figure all that out. It's not like I had a double major in college or something....

    I would friend you cause I'm too lazy to do the math but it might upset your male:female ratio. LOL

  • dropdeadgreggie
    I have always had lots of female friends here, I can't help it b*tches love me.