Hello from Canada

Hi everyone. I am new to the site after being referred by my trainer. I think it is an awesome way of becoming conscious of what exactly is going into your mouth each day and its so easy to use! I have been a couch potato most of my life bit recently quit a 30+ year smoking habit (4 months and not looking back). My goal is to just be able to live an active life without having to stop every few moments to catch my breath. So far I'm making good progress -- thanks to a wonderful trainer. I'd like to lose about 10 or 15 lbs but have hit a plateau. Lost 4 lbs in the first week but nothing more for about 2 months. I work out about 4 times a week and have never been a big eater. I'm turning to counting calories since my trainer suspects I might not be eating enough and the body is holding onto every pound it can. Anyone else have this problem?

Looking forward to getting to know the community!


  • Muscles_Curves
    Muscles_Curves Posts: 385 Member
    Hello from TX,

    Welcome to MFP! Great job on 4 months without a cigarette. MFP is a great site. I have logged on consistently since February and I've lost over 40 pounds. I have hit plateaus, but I changed my eating habits and I started lifting weights and I was able to break it. I wish you much success in your journey. :smile:

  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Be careful with this "getting healthy" thing. I got started after quitting smoking because I needed to work off the weight I gained after quitting. I just wanted to get to the point that I could run a 5k or go up stairs without being winded.

    Today I ran 13 miles as my morning workout. Tomorrow, I'm going to ride my bike 60 miles.

    Those endorphins are like crack!!

    However, not eating enough is NOT my problem. I'm hungry within a few minutes of finishing a meal. :laugh:
  • dadof2boyz
    dadof2boyz Posts: 156 Member
    Hello fellow Canadian!! I joined MFP in Jan 2012, lost 18 lbs, gave up and gained most of it back. Joined back again in July and have been dedicated since gathering a strong group of support friends on here. That was the problem I had first time around. I didn't have anyone to keep me accountable. My MFP friends are awesome for holding me accountable. That's hugely important.

    Anyway, welcome to the site. You will figure it out, if you track your calories properly. It's not that difficult, and it will help you determine if you under-eating, and where you need to make some tweaks.

    Feel free to add me if you're looking for more support and motivation.
