
Hey guys! I've been on here since last July and have lost 8 pounds! But I gained 4 back over Christmas break (I'm a teacher). I've been back at my old good habits and doing everything I should be, however, I have GAINED one more pound. I am so frustrated! I just want to get back to my normal weight! I'm eating fruit, 75% clean meals and I'm GAINING weight!?!??! Any have any similar frustrations or have any advice? I am really discouraged right now :cry:


  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Are you losing inches? have you kept it up for at least a month to see if the weight goes back down after adjusting to a changed diet?
  • laralou
    laralou Posts: 21
    are you working out? because it could be that your not eating enough. that is what happened to me. What kind of things are you eating though? it could be that as well... also if you are working out a lot maybe you are just gaining muscle that weighs more than fat.
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    Without knowing what you are really eating, it's hard to say why your weight is not coming off. Are you exercising? Eating every 2 to 3 hours? This is my typical day. I get up around 7 or 7:30 and have a snack, jello sugar free boston creme for example. Then in about 2 hours I have breakfast, 2 to 4 oz better than eggs scrambled with what ever veggies may have been leftover from the night before or not, 1 slice 2% cheese wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla. Lunch is usually what ever was left over from the night before keeping the calorie count around 300. Then I have another snack around 3, cheese sticks, another jello pudding, soy crisps, whatever keeping the calories below 200 for all snacks. Then for dinner, we eat healthy food, cooked healthy and in the correct portions. The measuring cup is my best friend. I also get on the treadmill every day. It's not consistent yet but I walked 1.5 miles yesterday but today could only do right under a mile. Still burned calories. Every other day I am working out on the machines, working my arms, thighs and back where I have the most issues. I have lost 36 lbs and 42 inches in the past 100 days. This is all due to a program I bought called The Food Lovers Fat Loss program. It teaches you what you should be eating, how to cook it, how to measure it, etc. It has so much information but I have learned so much! Are you drinking your water? Hope this helps. Christine
  • stang41992
    stang41992 Posts: 129 Member
    I've been working out for the past three years 4-5 days a week. I've been weightlifting and everything like normal. I eat all my 1200 and exercise calories.
  • stang41992
    stang41992 Posts: 129 Member
    In the morning I eat a bowl of Kashi cereal and some juice
    A few hours later a half ounce of almonds
    Lunch Half Turkey Sandwich and yogurt
    Preworkout snack banana
    Postworkout snack protein shake
    Dinner something clean typcially
    Snack of fruit or a small "reward"
  • hagan8123
    Don't get discouraged. I am a teacher too, so I feel your frustration. Be careful with the fruit. While fruit is very good, it can also be very high in sugar, which can be stored as fat if not burned. My next question would be are you lifting weights or doing strength training, if so that could be your culprit for the weight gain, but not a bad think (muscle weighs more than fat)? Keep up the good work.:smile:

    Just read the rest of the posts. Since you are weight training, I think you need to up your caloric intake and protein.
  • stang41992
    stang41992 Posts: 129 Member
    I've been lifting for 3 years but I've lost around 30 pounds. And yes, I drink my water
  • beachcrazy
    I wouldn't panic just yet. I went through the same thing once. I lost weight, then gained it back. It took longer to get back to my pre-loss weight than before. It happens, so keep going and you'll eventually see results.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Stang, I have the same questions some of the others have posted. Have you lost inches? Are you working out? I know the stresses of your job, I am a band/choir teacher for 7-12. I have discovered that as stress increases, the weight loss slows down. No idea why, but that seems to be my pattern. I would recommend trying to increase your calorie in take for a couple weeks. If you are working out, you may be opperating at TOO large of a caloric deficit. It's really a trial and error situation.

    There is always the possibility that there is something medically going on. Maybe a medication you are on, maybe a hormone imbalance. If you try the suggestions you're given here, and they aren't doing it, you might think about visiting with your doctor.

    Just had another thought. Do you weigh your food, or do you estimate the serving size? (counting chips, measuring cups, etc.) I started out just estimating, then my husband bought a scale. WOW:noway: were we WAY off on some of our estimates! Something else to think about!

    Good luck on getting back to losing!
  • stang41992
    stang41992 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm actually a middle school (6-8) band teacher :)
  • hagan8123
    My husbands lifts and bodybuilds. His diet typically consumes of:
    Breakfast: Protein and Oatmeal with 3 hard boiled eggs
    Snack: Protein Shake 4-6 scoops
    Lunch: Tuna, 3 Hard boiled eggs, brown rice or another whole grain, raw broccoli
    Snack: Protein Shake and Pre work out drink
    Post work out: Protein 4-6 scoops
    Dinner: 3-4 boneless skinless chicken breasts (steamed or baked) or Steamed fish, brown rice, and steamed vegies

    After its all said and done it comes out to about 3,200 kcals and approx 500g of protein. He weighs 380 and is 13% bodyfat

    I'm not saying to increase to what he does, but it really sounds to me like you need to up kcal significantly since you are working out that much.
  • csingleton24
    csingleton24 Posts: 235 Member
    I'd up your daily calories to 1400 plus exercise calories. If your building muscle then you probably burn more than the average person. I think you need more calories per day than what you're bringing in. Do you have a HRM? That makes it alot easier too. If you don't have one, I highly recommend it. Then you can really figure out how many calories a day you burn just living, doing your daily activities and go from there. Good luck and congrats on your 8 lb. weight loss!
  • TXBWells
    The key may be in the "normal" workout. The body is a master of adaptability! The results you once got from your "normal" work-out are no longer there because your body has adapted to it and your body won't burn calories the same. Results can be affected by 3 things, frequency, intensity and time. Girl, you need to throw your body a big ol' curve ball!! Throw in a new work-out? Always running/weights?, try a day or two of a spin class, or kickboxing (whew that's a fun workout). Love the treadmill? Well one day do speed intervals, (I'm talking 30 sec/ 1min gasping for air speed!) do a hill day - crank that baby vertical!! Do a LONG run, like 20% longer and throw in a little faster pace every 5 mins. or so. Or use different muscles and go outside and run! Join an adult soccer team, tennis league, hockey team, karate, Zumba....whatever sounds like fun!
    In a gym? Use every cardio machine! Weights? Mix in cardio interals, try new moves that work multiple muscle groups. Find 3 exercise that work a particular muscle and use a different one each set, or each weight day. Go for reps one day, max. weight one day, circuits one day.
    Variation is the key to keeping your body guessing and avoiding the flatline of adaptation! But wait, isn't that the same for life in general?? Good luck and let us know what worked for you!!
  • laralou
    laralou Posts: 21
    In the morning I eat a bowl of Kashi cereal and some juice
    A few hours later a half ounce of almonds
    Lunch Half Turkey Sandwich and yogurt
    Preworkout snack banana
    Postworkout snack protein shake
    Dinner something clean typcially
    Snack of fruit or a small "reward"

    this most certainly does not sound like you are eating enough. you need to eat all your workout calories.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    when was the last time you switched up your workout? could be your body is too used to the workout you've been doing, does your gym offer classes? I'd try taking a couple of those a week to change it up and shock your system.

    Also while I dont recomend going up a lot, having a couple days a week that you eat a little more will help keep your metabolism boosted. Maybe pack a more extravagent lunch once a week and then have a "cheat" meal on the weekend, like french toast for breakfast on Sunday.

    My (non-medically-trained) theory is your body has gotten used to your diet & exercise regime and you need to confuse it. a few days a week that you eat 200-300 calories more will allow your metabolism to speed up a bit more and some new workouts will work muscles that aren't being used.

    Good luck!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Since you work out regularly and you've listed what you eat..I'm going to say you are not eating nearly enough.
  • stang41992
    stang41992 Posts: 129 Member
    A lot of you seem to think I'm not eating enough, but by the end of the day I have eaten around 1600 calories. This is exactly the same thing I did when I lost the 8 pounds to start, but the weight I gained from the holidays (4 lbs) and their friend (1 more lb) will not go away! Yesterday I did EXTRA cardio and did 50 minutes on an elliptical. I burned 710 calories. The scale did not move. I normally do 30 minutes. This is really frustrating......
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    My (non-medically-trained) theory is your body has gotten used to your diet & exercise regime and you need to confuse it. a few days a week that you eat 200-300 calories more will allow your metabolism to speed up a bit more and some new workouts will work muscles that aren't being used.

    Not a bad idea. I know that when your body gets accustumed to one way, it becomes harder to lose weight. You did a new workout yesterday, so I would say keep up with the new workout. Throw in a splurge meal/day once a week (by splurge I do mean only a couple hundred calories more than usual, not CRAZY splurge). Give it a week or so and see what happens then.

    I would definately recommend NOT stepping on the scale again until next Thursday, though.

    Good luck!
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Are you eating 1600 with or without your exercise calories? Your non-exercise days should NOT be 1200. Way too low.

    Switch up the exercise.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    A lot of you seem to think I'm not eating enough, but by the end of the day I have eaten around 1600 calories. This is exactly the same thing I did when I lost the 8 pounds to start, but the weight I gained from the holidays (4 lbs) and their friend (1 more lb) will not go away! Yesterday I did EXTRA cardio and did 50 minutes on an elliptical. I burned 710 calories. The scale did not move. I normally do 30 minutes. This is really frustrating......

    ok wait wait wait, THATS your trouble! you're not going to see a loss the morning after doing a great workout, cut down to weighing yourself once a week or you're gonna make yourself nuts! you're going to see weight loss with consistent exercise. do 50 minutes of cardio 3x a week for 2 weeks and then expect to see a loss.

    I still stand by the theory that your body is used to your diet & exercise regamine. 1,600 calories a day on average for your activity is pretty good. Maybe on the days you work out bump it up to 1,800 and on your off days drop it to 1,400 so your average for the week is 1,600/ day but each day is different so your body wont get used to the routine. Do the same with your workouts. If you generally do the same 30 minutes of cardio & 30 minutes of weights every day, do what you did yesterday, 50 minutes of cardio & 15 minutes of weights for a couple weeks, then switch it.