Another Newbie...

Options name is Lisa. I started a new workout routine on December 13th. Not the best time to start trying to lose weight but doing it any way.

I am going on a trip to Mexico on March 7th and want to look fab in a bikini - or better than I have the last few years.

I quit smoking 1.5 years ago and as a result gained A LOT of weight.

This website is so helpful, I look forward to the support!!!


  • AngieBailey
    Hi my name is Angie i am 43 and mother of 5 started fitness pal January 1 2010.....really want to loose about 40 pounds. Hope you aLL have a great day
  • beachcrazy
    Welcome, this site has been very helpful to me. Hope it works for you as well. I'm here for ya when you need some encouragement!
  • AngieBailey
    Best of luck to you....You can do it:smile:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    welcome to MFP ..... wishing you much success in your weight loss journey
  • debraf32
    Hi Angie, I'm the same age as you working on my weight loss too. Maybe we can help each other out here..
  • christi_counts
    Hello, I'm new here too! Started Dec '09. Trying to lose 60 total.

    But, right now just trying to get my weight below 200. Would love to do that before all the summer wear comes out!

    I love all the encouragement that you get here!

    Look forward to chatting with all of you.
