Halfway there!

I'm new to the community but have been using MFP for half a year now. Looking for some friends and some support! ;-) I have lost 66 pounds so far and am just over halfway to my goal. I'm a military wife and have moved so many times and now as I am losing my 14 year marriage I am without my best friend in life, too. And with 7 moves in those years and now 3 kids I just find it so hard to find the time or the confidence to make new friends. So hello everyone! Looking for people willing to give me a kick in the pants when I want to feel sorry for myself - which is a lot lately sorry to say..


  • rocketass99
    rocketass99 Posts: 537 Member
    Being a military wife isn't easy. Congratulations on 66 lbs. You are welcome e to friend me if you like.