Just thought I'd share..

Arienna Posts: 913
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Found this on a website and I really like it!

Fat 2 Fit: Give Up These 10 Self-Defeating Behaviors

Here are my top-10 "give-ups" that can help you reduce the number on your bathroom scale:

10. Give up adopting the latest fad. Find ways to eat and exercise that match your preferences and lifestyle.

9. Give up looking for the magic solution. Accept that eating for health and weight management—along with regular exercise—will be necessary.

8. Give up eating unconsciously. Keep a food journal and record every morsel you consume.

7. Give up feeling hopeless because of past efforts. Treat prior attempts as part of the learning process.

6. Give up loathing yourself for having packed on pounds. Acknowledge your body for the gift it gives you: life.

5. Give up dieting. Create an eating regimen that you find enjoyable and which doesn’t pack on pounds.

4. Give up trying to be perfect. Accept that you will make progress, backslide, and then get back on track.

3. Give up trying to lose weight alone. Create a team of supporters and encourage each other.

2. Give up blaming genetics, lack of time, or medical issues. Take responsibility for your choices.

1. Give up viewing the task of losing weight as a problem. Challenge yourself to begin an exciting journey of self-exploration.

Are you ready to make changes in your life? Let me know what you decide.

It's from.. http://www.aarp.org/health/healthyliving/fat2fit/getting_started/articles/give_up_bad_behaviors.html


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