Carbs v. Fiber

Hey guys, everyday I go way over my daily fiber intake by atleast 10-20+ grams because i try to make sure that everything i put in my mouth has fiber in it but that sometimes, not all the time takes me over my limit in carbs to. So my question is does the fiber offset the carbs. Meaning am I okay. Alot of my carbs comes from fruit/whole weat and some processed foods. Im not going to lie i do eat soups(the whole can not just half), WW ice cream,Jello Mousse Temptations (if anyone has not tried them, you do not know what your missing) and deli turkey meat and some other things. I know excess fiber causes bloating but my system is use to that now and i love it because i STAY regular. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    In the Atkins diet you minus fiber from your total carbs consumed, but I'm not sure how it works when it comes to counting calories.
  • hagan8123
    Dietary fiber is the common name for cellulose which is non-digestable, therefore it is not absorbed into the body and becomes waste matter in the large intestine. I could be wrong but if memory serves me correctly from my college days, the answer to "does fiber offset the carbs,' is no. The total carbs on the nutrition labels are the starches, and mono/polysaccharides (sugars), which are absorbed in the blood where insulin response takes place. The left over glucose that is not bound to insulin is stored as fat. Kreb's cycle explains it much better. Hope this helps.