Attn Muscle People, I need help



  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I've read somewhere that you're not supposed to train one specific muscle group more than twice a week. I usually try to set that as a guideline for myself, and expect soreness. To be honest, I LOVE the soreness. If I don't feel sore, I know I'm getting too used to my workout and need to push myself a bit more.

    same here with the feeling of soreness. Although twice a week is just an average, depends on the person. When that soreness becomes a mild stiffness, it's probably ok to go again, for some muscle groups it's shorter time than others. For instance, my quads need only 2 days to recover, where as my shoulders and chest need 3 minimum.

    I agree. I find that my lower body (and abs) can handle three workouts a week, but my upper body would freak out if I did anything more than two. At the end of the day guidelines are guidelines but more importantly, people should just listen to what their bodies are telling them.

    It's funny because I started jogging recently. For the first few runs, my calves were KILLING me and I could barely walk up and down stairs. Now they just get sort of stiff. One morning I woke up feeling really good because my calves didn't hurt- but then I fell on my face getting out of bed because they were so stiff! Let's just say, I learned something important that day!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I've read somewhere that you're not supposed to train one specific muscle group more than twice a week. I usually try to set that as a guideline for myself, and expect soreness. To be honest, I LOVE the soreness. If I don't feel sore, I know I'm getting too used to my workout and need to push myself a bit more.

    same here with the feeling of soreness. Although twice a week is just an average, depends on the person. When that soreness becomes a mild stiffness, it's probably ok to go again, for some muscle groups it's shorter time than others. For instance, my quads need only 2 days to recover, where as my shoulders and chest need 3 minimum.

    I agree. I find that my lower body (and abs) can handle three workouts a week, but my upper body would freak out if I did anything more than two. At the end of the day guidelines are guidelines but more importantly, people should just listen to what their bodies are telling them.

    It's funny because I started jogging recently. For the first few runs, my calves were KILLING me and I could barely walk up and down stairs. Now they just get sort of stiff. One morning I woke up feeling really good because my calves didn't hurt- but then I fell on my face getting out of bed because they were so stiff! Let's just say, I learned something important that day!

    You COULD say, you have to learn to RUN before you can walk. HAHAHA! I kill me! :tongue:
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    OMG, everyone, I don't think I can do any upper body weights when we head to the gym tomorrow! Well, maybe anything that involves triceps! As I said before I worked triceps sunday. Well monday's and thursdays I do yoga at home. I did it today but had to extreamely modify one of the moves, I can not even hold myself in a pushup position!

    Tomorrow's weights: lower body, abs, and back. I may even drop the yoga for a week! Ouch!!!:sad: