My Story

I'm trying this as a lifeline to a longer life and better health. I'm a young 60 (I still think of myself as 45) but I'm not going to be that way for long if I don't lose 65 to 70 lbs. I could teach WW. I know the right things to do ... but the bottom line is, I can't ever seem to sustain losing any amount. I was seriously ill in 1995 and lost my satiety center. I'm ALWAYS starving. My body can't tell when it's full. It drives me crazy. I'm 5'3' and weighed in at 201 when I started last week.

I work from home. My creative outlet is cooking (good food, low cal soups, etc) but home life stress is killing me ... all I want to do is eat. As a result of my illness in 95, I'm also an insulin dependent diabetic.

I'm hoping that I can get an occasionaly group support message from people. The other indicator that this is working, besides the numbers on the scale, will be if my blood sugar and A1C numbers go down.

I like the format of My FitnessPal, I love the tools. I want to get to 135 as a gift to myself for a change. Not so people will look at me and say Wow, she's lost a lot of weight. I want to look at myself in the mirror and actually SEE me NOW, not pretend to see the person I was 30 years ago and WISH I looked like that again. I know I won't look younger (I'd bet we'd ALL do that eating plan!) but I'll look healthier.

This time .... I'm doing this for ME.


  • LethalBeauty
    fill up on veggies! if you're not in the mood for vegetables, it's most likely just a craving you are having. the majority of fruits are more high cal than veggies. bell peppers, cucumbers, celery are all superrrr low cal, but pretty much every vegetable is :) good luck with your weight loss!
  • bkwhit1964
    Not sure if you have had any diabetic education or not but I became a diabetic in May - I just crossed the border with an A1C of 6.5 went to the ed. classes. After going to the class I learned that the carbohydrates and lack of exercise was my biggest enemy and had to limit them to 45-60 per meal, I started at 313 lbs and since then lost 60lbs. Started walking at first then went to the gym with a friend and starting some strength training at my pace, along with the elliptical and treadmill. Just remember to get your carbs. in and then eat the veggies, and remember just about everything has carbs even fruits and veggies. However if you track everything you eat on MFP then it will track your carbs for you, although they track high and not for a diabetic 45-60 per meals and 15 for snacks. Oh and my numbers did go down on my 3 month checkup my A1C was 6.1 with only 40lb lost. When I found out I was determined not to go on any meds.
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