Can Anyone throw more light on Irritable Bowel Syndrome?



  • santon53
    santon53 Posts: 3 Member
    Try Good Belly a probiotic drink. I like th emango flavor.
  • rover95disco
    Do some research on Habba Syndrome.

    For ten years I experienced all of the IBS symptoms along with chronic diarrhea regardless of diet. I have been scoped, scanned, poked, and prodded and doctor after doctor said that IBS would be a fact of life for me. My life was centered on the availability of a bathroom and as a firefighter this was extremely difficult. I have been on scene at a house fire and had to ask the neighbors for their bathroom, the house was still on fire!

    Two years ago one of our police officers overheard my angst and suggested that I look into Habba Syndrome. I did and at first I thought the guy sounded like a quack. I printed out everything I could find and took to my Doctor. We discussed the possible treatment, side effects, and my Doctor prescribed Cholestyramine. It is a cholesterol medication that is used off label to treat these symptoms.

    It has changed my life!

    No gas, bloating, cramps, or diarrhea in two years. It is not a cure for everyone but well worth discussing with your doctor.
  • wishiwerefit
    I suffered from the same problem today as a result I was lagging behind my daily intake goal:(

    I had a cup of Progresso Vegetable Classics GarsenVgetable soup.
    Before even the stomach realized somethingwas coming towards it , it started to bloat up like a balloon!
    I had not idea why and it is remains so till this moment!
    I dont have diarrhea or severe problems fortunately and I sitll dont know what triggers me. Of course, lentils and legumes , do create problems for me always..
  • wishiwerefit
    I have it and it is awful. I have given up carbonated drinks because it hurts me so much and I used to live on diet soda. Sometimes I have so much trapped gas and indigestion that I get chest pains and bloating near my lower chest/upper stomach area and it makes me have a panic attack because it feels like my heart is having problems. My recommendations:

    -take gas-x. It's expensive, 11 dollars a bottle for the strongest stuff (phazyme) but holy crap it works. I wouldn't be able to live without this stuff. the bottle says to take 2 a day, but my dr said that it's okay to take more if you need to, and usually I take 4 - 6 a day

    -try bean-o & lactaid pills. it may work for you! I unfortunately found they did not for me

    -learn your trigger foods. I love love love ice cream but it does not love me. neither does cheese. greek yogurt is sometimes okay. wheat gives me a lot of gas. so do vegetables. AND FRUIT. oh man, fruit is the worst for ibs.

    -avoid splenda. aspartame & stevia are better for gastro issues

    -try the FODMAP diet. (it's not a weight loss diet, but you can customize it that way). it was too strict for me to stick to but it did help quite a bit.

    Thank you!
    Yes, this same problem interferes with my exercise routine !