******LADIES******* T.O.M. Questions

I don't know what it is about this month but my cravings this month are through the rood and I can't seem to get back on track. I'm not understanding what is going on. I'm not sure if it's because I was on Nutrisystem and since I was food deprived I now am wanting everything. Thank got\d I haven't gained any weight but I need to get back on track because I have a lot to lose and I don't want to fall back into old habits.

Any suggestions on how to get back on track and off the junk foo.


  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    Just don't buy junk food. If it's not in the house, you can't eat it.
  • ggsmamma
    ggsmamma Posts: 117 Member
    I agree with Illona88, if it is in the house, it is so much easier. If you are just eating a crap load of whatever is in the house (all the yogurt, oatmeal, etc), maybe you need to get out of the house and change the scenery. Or, I have been spending time here, reading these posts when I feel like eating. Best of luck!
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    And plan plan plan! I find that if i don't plan most of what i am going to eat the night before i will reach for anything and everything and give into whatever my craving is. The last TOM hormonal imbalance lasted for 3 weeks, it was awful but because i planned, it made it that much easier.
    Keep junk food out of the house or locked and give the key to someone else. Out of sight out of mind. Drink lots of water. If you get a craving, down a glass of water, sometimes dehydration mocks a craving. These are the things i found helpful. Goodluck, i hope you find some of this helpful. I hate hormonal time, it royally sucks.