Protein shakes to lose weight?

Can protein shakes really help you lose weight? I've read a few articles about how protein shakes can help with weight loss but I am not too sure about that. I don't know much about dieting, etc...has anyone been successful in losing weight/slimming down by adding protein shakes to their diet? I am not trying to bulk up or gain muscle..just trying to lose weight.

Also, I am not looking to use protein shakes as meal replacements...they would be more like a snack between meals.



  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    It's not the shakes that will help you lose weight. It's the PROTEIN. Specifically, whey protein. This is proven. I am writing on your profile. I got my six pack abs 8 months ago in only 3 months because I used a low calorie high protein diet.
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    It's all about the macronutrients that you consume, such as protein, fat, carbs, sodium, sugars, and fiber.

    If you decrease your fat, carbs, and sodium, lower your sugrar, and increase your protein and fiber you will lose weight. It's about shifting your macros and eating filling foods. If your eat macdonalds, you will have an excess of fat,carbs, and sodium. If you drink a protein shake or eat multigrain/wheat/bran cereal or have a low fat greek yogurt, you will have a lot of protein and fiber which is good for you.

    The idea is eating so you make healthier choices, and get more nutrients for your calories. The more for your money idea. Not all calories are the same. Once you actually give your body good filling, foods you will never want to eat empty calorie high carb/sodium food again. Your body will get accustomed to good food and you will stop craving bad food.

    I added whey protein shakes to my new eating plan and have been successful. Boosting your protein can help you lose weight because it keeps your lean body mass (muscle and metobolically active tissue) from getting used and helps curb your hunger, keeping you full longer, thus you eat less calories= thus you lose weight.
  • ashleyeliz25
    ashleyeliz25 Posts: 141 Member
    Thanks for your reply :)
  • trevpimp
    trevpimp Posts: 170 Member
    First off with a default pic like that you can drink whatever you want ;)

    Naa forreals well I just use it for lifting weights. But I can say it does improve muscle gain