Tracking water intake?

So what do you do when you drink a 20oz. water do you track 2 glasses of water or do you round it up to 3 glasses since there isn't a way to put 2.5 glasses?

I was trying to figure this out today, so i figured i'd ask you what you do (:


  • PNJB796
    PNJB796 Posts: 72 Member
    I make my glasses of liquid, tea, coffee, water all fit a 300ml drinking vessel (glass or cup) and just make sure i have a total of eight a day across all meals. This way I do not feel bloated.
  • charver35
    charver35 Posts: 24 Member
    I don't log my extra 4 oz, until the 2nd complete 20oz bottlel so (40oz 5 cups) - sometimes I forget where I'm at so I've used the rubber bands around my 20oz water bottle for each complete container... good luck!
  • LanaeCarol
    LanaeCarol Posts: 158 Member
    I drink water from a 1 L bottle so I just keep track of how many times I fill it and then multiply by 4. I would think if you are going to be drinking from 20 oz water bottles that you would do the same and then multiply by 2.5. You would just have to make sure to drink an even # of them each day.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Have a couple of extra gulps from a new cup of water and round it up to 3? I don`t think the water is a hard and fast thing, maybe just to help us realise that we need to drink and logging helps us realise if we are falling behind.

    sometimes, I can feel hungry then have some thing to drink and it takes the edge of the `hunger` it`s hard sometimes to realise if we are hungry or just plain old thirsty lol!
  • catswithcheekbones
    catswithcheekbones Posts: 27 Member
    To be perfectly honest, I don't obsessively keep track of my water intake, so what I log really isn't extremely accurate. I know for sure that I get more than 8 glasses a day, so I don't stress too much about it.
    Actually, I'm not even sure if keeping that close of an eye on water intake is that beneficial. If you carry a water bottle with you at all times, it isn't difficult to surpass the "8 a day" without even realizing it.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    I usually log my water a bit lower to make sure I do not show myself as drinking more. This is to make sure I do not drink too little. 8C of water is not enough for most people… and if you are sweating, it is not enough, period.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I have a 64oz insulated mug at my work desk. I drink the water, and the melted ice... then by Noon, I fill it up again.