Help with how to maintain

I was wondering if anyone could give some pointers or tips on maintaining weight. I've lost 64lbs and i'm trying my hand at "maintenance mode". I just finished my first round of Insanity and am wondering how many workouts a week should I do and how strict of a diet should I keep to keep from piling back on the pounds. This past week I did Insanity 4 days and stuck with my diet all but one meal. As long as I don't eat over my BMR should I be good? I do want to keep working out so I don't lose my muscle tone but would like to cut back on the workouts and not have to do it 6 days a week if at all possible. Any help would be appreciated.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You need to eat to maintenance or tdee not your bmr.... And make sure you eat your exercise cals or you will always be at a deficit.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Your maintenance calorie range is around your adjusted TDEE, not BMR. Also, you do not need to exercise six days a week - exercising 3 days a week while eating enough to maintain body composition is adequate enough.

    Ideally, you want to reduce the deficit the closer to goal body composition/weight you get. For example, by the time you were 5 lbs within your goal, you should have been eating about 250 calories under TDEE. However, if you maintained a large deficit throughout, and are eating at BMR, then you will need to gradually increase calories every week or so by 100 until you hit your adjusted TDEE calorie range.