anyone with lupus and trying to lose

I am not using this as an excuse any more, I use to but I know i can do this if I just try harder. I just get tired of being tired, I start the week of good exercising and trying to eat right... but then sometimes it takes me 3 or 4 days just to rest up from the exercise I did. I feel good after the work out and i have found ways to stretch so that I do not ache but the scale is not moving I do see inches going but that is not enough the weight needs to come off ........HELP..............


  • eljulia
    eljulia Posts: 40
    i have fibromyalgia, so there are some similarities in our symptoms. We can still lose weight, i think the process is just a bit slower, given the nature of our issues. When it takes more time to recover from exercise we have to go into it more slowly and carefully and work up, at least that's what i've found. And if you're losing inches? Way to go! You're definitely toning and probably turning some of that weight into muscle, and muscle weighs more.

    When i decided i needed to get moving forward in my health with the illness i got a trainer at the gym to help me not hurt myself--that's what i would always do when i'd try to exercise after i got the fibro. She's helped me immensely, and started me off with more yoga/pilates type exercises till i developed more strength, then added weights. It's definitely taken longer than a "regular" person, but i look a ton better for being toned, and i have lost nearly 40 pounds. And i don't know how lupus works, but i have to be aware of my energy in that specific day i'm exercising and take it into consideration so i don't cause such a huge fatigue for days so i can't continue to exercise and have a big ol' ugly flare. That said, i do aim for 3 times a week of the weights or whatever exercise for 30 minutes, with another 30 of cardio whether it's walking, elliptical, or whatever.

    Possibly you need to back off a bit of the exercise you're doing so that you're able to exercise more regularly? What sort of exercise do you enjoy?

    the weight will come off, i've seen periods of time where it seems i'm just toning and no weight is moving, but eventually the scale will move. i think our committment has to be to be healthy first, and the rest will come, probably just more slowly! It's great that you're moving forward though toward health! i find it so easy for these weird invisible illnesses to get us down, so good for you for not letting it!