Symptoms of an Ulcer? Peptic?

schustc Posts: 428 Member
Hey all!

I've now been to 2 surgeons, (thinking this was a hernia), as well as an ER doc, and a First Care Doc(the first care doc, sent me to the ER doc on the same night).

I've had a cat scan with contrast, and, nothing thus far to explain my abdominal pain. However, after doing some research, I believe it MAY be an ulcer. The symptoms seem to fit, but this is just frustrating, because, if it IS an ulcer, how the heck would something so simple be missed as a possibility.

That said, anyone that has or had one, can you please share your symptoms? I am thinking I need to go back to my Dr and specifically ASK him if this is possible. I have an appt in a few days. In the mean time - can anyone share their experiences?


  • lamoursuffit
    lamoursuffit Posts: 267 Member
    If it's an ulcer it can actually be really easy to miss with a CT. Did you have an upper GI done? Ask your doc if he can check for H. Pylori, he'll do it anyway if he thinks you have an ulcer. It would be quite painful, I know that. Never had one but I just did this chapter in my class :laugh:
  • schustc
    schustc Posts: 428 Member
    If it's an ulcer it can actually be really easy to miss with a CT. Did you have an upper GI done? Ask your doc if he can check for H. Pylori, he'll do it anyway if he thinks you have an ulcer. It would be quite painful, I know that. Never had one but I just did this chapter in my class :laugh:

    I am really beginning to think that is what it is. it seems SO likely now that I am putting everything together. I just had another onset of an episode, and took an antacid, and the pain subsided. That's too coincidental for me. It's also located just above my belly button - which is where the common place for an ulcer is. should I be irritated not a single doctor even considered this? my impression of dr's lately isn't that great.
  • lamoursuffit
    lamoursuffit Posts: 267 Member
    If it's an ulcer it can actually be really easy to miss with a CT. Did you have an upper GI done? Ask your doc if he can check for H. Pylori, he'll do it anyway if he thinks you have an ulcer. It would be quite painful, I know that. Never had one but I just did this chapter in my class :laugh:

    I am really beginning to think that is what it is. it seems SO likely now that I am putting everything together. I just had another onset of an episode, and took an antacid, and the pain subsided. That's too coincidental for me. It's also located just above my belly button - which is where the common place for an ulcer is. should I be irritated not a single doctor even considered this? my impression of dr's lately isn't that great.

    Yes and no. Sometimes there are other symptoms that, if they aren't there, they consider something else first. Not only that but insurance is REALLY picky, they need a reason for everything. It may be that your insurance won't pay for the test unless certain steps are followed (by your primary, anyway.) If you went to an ER doctor, they are basically there to make sure it isn't life threatening. If they rule out things that ARE life threatening, they pretty much send you packing. Which, I can certainly understand. There's always a lack of beds. Anyway, I totally understand your frustration! Personally, I would just keep taking the Tums until you can see you primary!