Actually trying. And i gain weight ????

So im kinda upset, becase apparently im gaining weight, ive actually been trying to. Exercising... Eating better. I mean i never really used to eat much at all... So im assuming my metoblisim is low. but im trying to get everything back on track, Its hard becuase im vegan to eat a bunch of calories. My calorie limit with out excersie is 1790 But becuase of my vegan diet i never ate that muchj. Right now im aiming for no less then 1200. Which is already kinda hard... But im doing it.. Ive been doing zumba at least 30 minutes a day. And i ended up gaining 3 poundss :( im so discouarged right now :(


  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    I saw on your profile that you have PKU. My suggestion is that you talk to your doctor and have him recommend a nutritionist. Your health issue is not something that the people on this site are qualified to give advice on. I suppose if there is someone out in the community with PKU also they might be able to tell you what works for them. Your inability to handle dietary proteins makes a doctor approved diet really important to ensure you get the right nutrition.

    Good luck. Considering your goal of 88 pounds to lose I'm sure your doctor would be very happy to help you it.
  • ill try that thanks ! i hope it works
  • malicent
    malicent Posts: 127
    I saw on your profile that you have PKU. My suggestion is that you talk to your doctor and have him recommend a nutritionist. Your health issue is not something that the people on this site are qualified to give advice on. I suppose if there is someone out in the community with PKU also they might be able to tell you what works for them. Your inability to handle dietary proteins makes a doctor approved diet really important to ensure you get the right nutrition.

    Good luck. Considering your goal of 88 pounds to lose I'm sure your doctor would be very happy to help you it.

    Great answer!
  • I agree, you should talk to your doctor and I'm sure he/she can help you!! But the main thing is that you are READY to do something and that is AWESOME!!! If you have the right mind set, you can do it!! Get the professional guidance you need and keep a positive attitude and you WILL SUCCEED!!!! Best of luck and please keep us posted on how it goes with your doctor and on your weight loss progress!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • Well i have a dietaion, im not sure if thats the same thing.. Maybe i should talk to her about this, and see if i can meet with her and set up specific goals. And thanks i am really determined to get this weight off. I jsut wish it wasnt so complicated for me sometimes
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    Yes your dietitian is the same as a nutritionist so definitely go talk to her and set up the goals. I'm sorry that your condition is so challenging but make sure you are doing things so that it doesn't cause you long term health issues. Bravo on your goal to lose weight, I'm sure with the advice from your dietitian you can do it.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    How long have you been trying to lose? It's only the 7th and you joined this month, so you can't expect results in one week.
  • How long have you been trying to lose? It's only the 7th and you joined this month, so you can't expect results in one week.
    Well no i dont oviously,, But i mean ive been excersing and eating way healthier . And its jsut weird to me that i gained three pounds. But everyone has a valid pooint, My dietary goals are different becuase of my condtion i suppose. So im setting up an appointment on friday to see my dietation. Just to set goals based on my own needs.
  • Yes your dietitian is the same as a nutritionist so definitely go talk to her and set up the goals. I'm sorry that your condition is so challenging but make sure you are doing things so that it doesn't cause you long term health issues. Bravo on your goal to lose weight, I'm sure with the advice from your dietitian you can do it.
    Thank you :) im gonna call her tuesday, becuase mondays a holiday, and ill talk to her, and figure this out. Do you know if its possible once i get my goals from her, if i can adjust them on here , so i can still keep track but Have it based on my goals ?
  • I know your condition might make it extra challenging so I may be off base, but I also saw in there that you mentioned doing zumba; if you weren't very active previously your muscles might be sore and holding on to extra water which could possibly explain the gain.
  • I know your condition might make it extra challenging so I may be off base, but I also saw in there that you mentioned doing zumba; if you weren't very active previously your muscles might be sore and holding on to extra water which could possibly explain the gain.
    Thats a good reason too, I used to dance though in high school about 2 hours a day, But i mean there wwere lots of breaks. And it wasnt as intense as i do my zumba, and my muscles are pretty sore. So thanks for the tip :) i aprreciate it. Im gonna keep at the excersise, i mean i know that wont hurt anything. But im still gonna set a meeting just to make my goals specific. But thats a real good reason
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    Yes you can set your own goals using the custom feature. Good luck with your appointment.
  • 715hopers
    715hopers Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there...everyone's metabolism is different. I have PKU as well (classical -- I can only have 350 mg phe or 7 g of protein a day). My brother also has PKU with the same phe allowances! He's always had trouble gaining weight & I've always had issues trying to lose weight. My first question would be -- what formula are you drinking? There are high calorie protein bars by Cambrooke foods now that are also low phe (331 calories per bar & it's a complete formula bar). They don't taste too bad either. So you need to make sure you get all your formula in because that adds a LOT of calories -- almost 600 calories a day for me so I try to only allow myself 1200 calories from food max, with exercise. f you want, you can add me as a friend and you can view my diet including how I break down the formula. I'm really strict with it right now because I want to have kids soon -- so unfortunately sometimes it's a lot of candy and sweets to keep my levels low. I'm trying to find a solution to that :). It's also really easy to turn your diaries into a PDF and send them to your dietician/nutritionist and she can evaluate what you eat every day and make suggestions.
  • 715hopers
    715hopers Posts: 9 Member
    Sorry I just looked again...I thought you were trying to gain weight, not lose. So follow my advice in reverse...try a lower calorie I did lose 14 and 1/2 lbs on MyFitnessPal but being on diet & losing weight can be tough. You need to eat healthy for you AND you have extra work to get the formula off. So I guess what I mean to say is don't forget to count your formula calories in your daily goals. If you're not including that you'll be off by how much you are eating by a lot. Like I said, take a look at my diary.