Looking for any support I can get....

:bigsmile: Hi all! I'm new to this fitness pal program. Been logging in all my calories/workouts/water i drink a day/ect* Looking for all and any friends from all aspects of life to help with support. It always nice to have the ones I love in my life friends and fam tell me that I'm doing a great job and keep up the good work, but its another to have support from those who are all in the same boat as me, doing it along with me :-) Here a lil bit of my story....

I have gained 70 pounds over the past 6 years living in San Diego. At one point I got down to my lowest weight of 127 from 165. This happened over a 3 month period about 5 yrs ago after a yr of living here, but completely the unhealthy way (Lots of drinking alcohol and partying, while doing mild exercise, and pretty much eating nothing like starving myself...saw myself getting skinny so i kept doing it thinking nothing was wrong...boy was i wrong!). I quickly gained all that right back and then some by partying, drinking, and not watching what I ate...lets just say i let my social life get the best of me and next thing I knew I was 202 pounds.

Well that part of my life is over and I am ready to move on! I want to make this lifestyle change not only to get in shape and get down to a healthy weight, but also to kick start being healthy for the rest of my life, which i Hope will be longer now because of this change. 3 1/2 weeks ago I had a bad drinking night which cause me to have a moment of clarity, I didn't want to live like this anymore. I quickly stopped drinking, changed my diet upside down, did a 5 day detox where I lost 10 pounds almost immediately, began counting calories and eating healthy after that, and now I am on day 11 of JILLIAN MICHAELS 30 DAY SHRED LEVEL 2 and ive lost total of 16 pounds i am now 185, i feel stronger and clear headed, and just better all around.

CarPe DiEm....life is too short to look in the mirror everyday and realize you are not happy with who you've become, today is the day for change, and I know I'm the only one that can make that happen :-)