Do you do anything about "bad" days?



  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I don't have days like that ever, but I think it would be best just to continue like normal. Maybe workout a little more to burn it off & adjust your cals for the rest of the week to try to balance it out mayb?

    You NEVER overeat? Wow, I'm jealous.

    Nope, not anymore, not since I started dieting. Even when I have my 'cheat meal' I'm normally still under my TDEE. Don't be jealous. I'm scared to gain weight & an obsessive counter. U dont wanna b like that.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    the guy in this pic ate an entire bag of chocolate cookies the other day and doesn't give a *kitten*. Also has regularly planned days where he tries to hit 4500 cals even tho his regular target is 1600. Loses weight each and every week that he tries to. Never tries to "make up" for yesterday. Doesn't even believe in yesterday. Only worries about today while planning for tomorrow.

    Don't sweat it. One day over calories never killed anyone. We ended up on this site because we had *years* of over calories, not days. Tomorrow is a new day. Move on.

    Stop posting my thoughts!
  • kramalicious
    Just put it behind me and go on. Get back on the plan asap.
  • o2bADyer
    o2bADyer Posts: 208
    the guy in this pic ate an entire bag of chocolate cookies the other day and doesn't give a *kitten*. Also has regularly planned days where he tries to hit 4500 cals even tho his regular target is 1600. Loses weight each and every week that he tries to. Never tries to "make up" for yesterday. Doesn't even believe in yesterday. Only worries about today while planning for tomorrow.

    Don't sweat it. One day over calories never killed anyone. We ended up on this site because we had *years* of over calories, not days. Tomorrow is a new day. Move on.

    Agree completely! :bigsmile:
  • FattyWantADoughnut
    My problem is that one bad day totally ruins me and I start hating myself and then inevitably one bad day will turn into two, maybe three. Maybe a whole week. And then I have to mentally shake myself to get me back on track. .-.

    I wish I could be like entire bag of cookies guy though.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    Unplanned days where you happen to go over your limit significantly (by 800+?)

    Do you work out extra hard the next few days, or cut down to make up for it? Or do you continue the next day as if nothing happened? Do occasional screw-ups gone unaccounted for tend to limit your results or do you notice no real impact on your losses over time?

    I enjoy the hell out of those days. Log them and move on the next day, like nothing ever happened and stick to my routine.
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    Honestly, I move on. That day is done. No matter how bad it was (and sometimes it is really really bad) I move forward. Punishing myself by added restrictions or more exercise just makes me feel worse. I dust off my hands, tell myself .. "Well Kim, That was pretty f**king stupid" and move on. What's done is done and I intend to do my best tomorrow.

    Overall, I am making changes for the better. One bad day does not constitute a binge. I went to Gordon Biersch with my father adn he split a chocolate, sticky, smothered pile of awesomeness with me. It killed my calories, by like 1100, but I got to spend time with my dad and we are working on repairing our raltionship. That moment was far more important to me than one day of Holy Cow that was (calorie) expensive!!! Same thing goes for my son's birthday party. He wanted to share his chocolate cake and ice cream with me. He is only 6 once. One day he'll be grown and I dont want to look back and say, I wish I had let my baby boy feed me some of the chocolate goodness. It also bumped me over ... but it was worth it.

    I wont punish myself for enjoying indulgences now and then. I ate a bit unhealthily for one day. That wont kill my efforts. I have more good days than bad. I'd rather celebrate the moments I do well, than try to figure out how to correct a moment of weakness or bonding.

    I say ... move on. It's over and done with. Tomorrow, just do your best.
  • mistertug
    What's done is done. Respect the process and make good choices the next day.
  • LisaDunn01
    LisaDunn01 Posts: 173 Member
    Like others have said, I simply enjoy my bad day and then go back to eating better.
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    My problem is that one bad day totally ruins me and I start hating myself and then inevitably one bad day will turn into two, maybe three. Maybe a whole week. And then I have to mentally shake myself to get me back on track. .-.

    I wish I could be like entire bag of cookies guy though.

    You can be like him if you stop using a bad day as a platform for punishment. Shrug it off. Log it all. Make yourself see those calories and how much you ate. It isn't punishment. It is knowledge. Then, go to bed and start new he next day. It's done, its over and every day is a chance to do better.

    You can't fail by trying. You can fail by not trying. whether you are successful or not is all about how many days you are willing to get up and try.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    yep I enjoy them :)
  • RockvilleA
    dont beat yourself up. Just continue the next day. This is all mostly mental.
  • LPJackson76
    LPJackson76 Posts: 67 Member
    the guy in this pic ate an entire bag of chocolate cookies the other day and doesn't give a *kitten*. Also has regularly planned days where he tries to hit 4500 cals even tho his regular target is 1600. Loses weight each and every week that he tries to. Never tries to "make up" for yesterday. Doesn't even believe in yesterday. Only worries about today while planning for tomorrow.

    Don't sweat it. One day over calories never killed anyone. We ended up on this site because we had *years* of over calories, not days. Tomorrow is a new day. Move on.

    You rock!

    Totally agree. One day didn't get anyone into this mess and it isn't going to ruin all the good days. Now, if you have a whole week of bad days, there may be something to worry about.
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    I workout to offset them if I have time, otherwise I ignore them.

    If you fall off the wagon, it circles back around for you to hop back on every morning! Don't sweat, just hop back on. It's GOOD to have days where you enjoy a little extra. If you get hit by a bus, it won't have mattered and you wouldn't have enjoyed those little indulgences now & then.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    with the right persons a bad day can be lots of fun :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
  • StrawberrySt
    I try not to be too hard on myself. The most important thing to realise is that this is a lifestyle change and you know what? LIFE HAPPENS!

    I'm not going to say no to cake at a wedding or champagne at a birthday party.

    Don't beat yourself up about it and start afresh the next day. Don't punish yourself by eating less or going crazy exercising just to 'make up for it'
  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    I don't worry about it. I found MFP is actually a bit lower than what I need to be losing weight. If I go over some one day, my overall net intake for the week will still be more than enough to be losing weight. I tend to have 1 day a week when I go over a bit, and 1 or 2 days a week where I'm under more than usual too. It all balances out.

    No point in stressing over it. As long as you're not going over so much that you're going to gain weight that week, just go on. That's unlikely unless you eat consistently over all week. At most, even with one REALLY bad day, you'll likely remain in maintenance.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    Yep. Sometimes by 1k+ calories. I say, "Well, that was bad today. I'll have to do better tomorrow." Sometimes I do better, sometimes I don't.
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    I try not to be too hard on myself. The most important thing to realise is that this is a lifestyle change and you know what? LIFE HAPPENS!

    I'm not going to say no to cake at a wedding or champagne at a birthday party.

    Don't beat yourself up about it and start afresh the next day. Don't punish yourself by eating less or going crazy exercising just to 'make up for it'
    Really like this response!
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    I try to track everything before I eat it so that doesn't happen. One time, I ate a 500 calorie slice of pizza by assuming it was the same amount of calories as other pizzas. NEVER again!

    Eggplant pizza!!!! It's my new diet attack food. tastes like pizza, but a slice of eggplant is way less calories then a pizza crust. I had to say something, because I live in South Philly and Pizza is my weakness.