Fatty liver, done with intoxicants, hello HIIT + Crossfit!!

Okay, so I started off into this world a funky lefty some 30 odd cycles around the sun ago come one week from today. I couldn't stand mediocrity, so of course skipped school a ton and started partying way early. Thankfully, I was incredibly active in my youth, developed large lungs and a healthy body, and never broke down through my various binges and bouts of temporary insanity of my teenage years.

After getting my GED, *****ing at professors a year early for spouting out pure ignorance, and quitting hard delicacies, I started mellowing out on the fancy puffages and good ole ethanol. I continued this rebellion against a blah state of life until recently. Last year I realized that my personality was bubbly enough after coming out of my various existential crisis to impress some of the more intelligent minds within my local community. At first, it was heavy binge drinking while spouting off about many deep topics of interest. Eventually, I seemed to have burned out, and decided enough was enough.

At the beginning of this year, I went cold turkey from alcohol and marijuana, and started Crossfit with a new local chapter. The founder was building new cliental, so I was fortunate enough to have him work with me on a personal level throughout the week. He broke me down super good, and built me ever stronger. I went from 153lbs to 172lbs in a matter of four months. It seems my body fat remained relatively constant at about 13-15%.

I was doing a mix of everything. He was at a local uni that had a full gym, and natatorium for laps in the pool. I used a concept2 rower, freestyle stroke in pool, and sprinting all at max intensity to build up cardio and endurance. People thought I was nuts, especially in the pool :P Metabolic training was mixed into strength training. We would do things like burpees, pullups, pushups, situps, wall balls, speed rope, rope climbs, alongside push press, deadlifts, & squats. I never made it to the advanced technical lifts, but it was all good.

So after four months, I burned out. I was definitely overtrained, and could feel my joints crackling all over one day. Decided to call it quits temporarily after researching muscle memory. So that was 5 months ago, and it's been a good 45 days or so since I've had any joints/bones creaking on me. I started back up with easy HIIT on the elliptical. Think it was 5 min warm up, 20 sec on lvl15, 60 sec off lvl9; repeat 6X, 5 min cool. I've since upped the intensity a bit, increased sprint to 30 secs, and decreased jog to 55secs; also now 8 rounds.

Will be adding in push presses, and deadlifts in a few weeks. Right now I'm using an easy curl bar with 25lb bumper plates for curls, and doing bodyweight pullups. Also am doing burpees with full pushups, speed rope, and calf lifts with the 65lbs on the curl bar.

Everything is going well. Oh, I forgot to mention, my liver was hurting because I started binge drinking after I quit training in April. It seems my liver was already a bit damaged, and didn't heal enough in my four month period of abstinence. So I'm going to give it a full year off, and if it still is giving me dull pain at that point, will get an ultrasound and full blood work.

That's about it. Ah, except these investors. I'm doing well with the networking!! Have had an idea for 3 years now which I think will be a "game changer" for the species, but never developed my mind in a way which would be capable to realize this on my own. I need resources...an investor...and seem to have found just the guy! Plan on pitching it to him soon, and from there if all goes well will be scouting high talent across elite institutions with a top tier computer science department.

So hopefully all is well. As long as I didn't get hep a/b/c/d/e from someone I banged without protection throughout my game, should be in the clear to enter my thirties and beyond on the up and up!!

If you think I'm a boastful jerk...cool, no need to *****. I'm just blunt and trying to give a decently accurate intro of who I am. I'm a jerk on the surface who is actually a down to earth, highly compassionate, funktified fool is all.

Hope this community keeps it strong, and conquers all their demons with the help of achieving their fitness goals!!

Take it Sleazy!!
