The weigh-in rules

MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
edited January 1 in Health and Weight Loss
How do you get the best from your weigh-in?

i have weigh-in rules to eliminate variables.

i get up, weigh myself, go to the bathroom, weigh myself again, marvel at the difference, get undressed for a shower, weigh myself nude, then shower, and if i haven't been happy with the previous weights i'll go again in case i washed off some pesky weight with the hot water. but only if i haven'y washed my hair, because my fine, thin hair could be holding god-knows-how-much water.

i don't weigh myself in any clothes except my undies.
only weigh myself in the morning before i've had anything to eat or drink.
if i'm unhappy with what the scale says, best of three is acceptable.
if i'm unhappy with the result and i have time, it's ok to delay starting the day, go back to bed for an hour, then try again..

i realise i'm being ridiculous. the only weigh-in i actually count is my once-a-week one with my wellness coach, but i get a kick out of seeing how low those little numbers will go!


  • alan589
    alan589 Posts: 58 Member
    You are being're not alone. I go through a similar palaver of a morning even though I well know that I should only do it once a week.

    I am trying hard to stop it but every morning there I am, on the bloody scales....madness!

  • I weigh myself on a morning (after the toilet) before i eat anything. its soooo shocking how much more the scales say when you have had your breakfast! definitely before any food or drink for the day that can cause bloating, i think thats the true number??
  • oh n i hide my scales under the bathrrom sink cabinet so i dont see them every morning before my shower to tempt me! im scared too see what that number says! :S
  • PNJB796
    PNJB796 Posts: 72 Member
    It might even be called OCD! here are my rules.

    Get out of bed
    Stand on scales
    Get on with life.

    Four very simple ones you might copy?
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    i only do it once a week. 11am on a Sunday. A couple of weeks back I did a thursday weight in and was showing 3lbs on from the previous week and when it came to the sunday I was 3lbs lower than the previous week. A difference of 6lbs?!

    I was thinking i need new scales but these ones are new. I'll just weigh myself once on a sunday now to save the dissapointment :)
  • ponderosakaren
    ponderosakaren Posts: 60 Member
    I can't wait to get up each morning to check if I've suddenly become a light weight over night! So I of the pyjama bottoms (they must weigh heaps), drag the scales out from under the cabinet, position them nicely for optimum results, then check out the numbers....if they're more than yesterday I am gutted but in some way it spurs me on to do better that day!

    My scales are electronic...just as well as I used to have ones you could easily adjust and if I didn't like the result I would set them back 2kgs (about 4.5lbs) to account for water retention and possible constipation inaccuracies!!!! Sad but true.....
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    I weigh myself every 2-3 weeks on a "drug store"(chemist or pharmacy where im from...) BMI scale which is more accurate than the home scale. I weigh my clothes / watch etc and minus it from the total.

    additionally - I go before breakfast and after a no2. last time I did it three days in a row, and found out that my no2 weighed 500grams. granted it was epic.

    hahah. sorry. had to tell someone.

  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    we've all done that ketabot. kudos :)
  • So glad that I decided to read and reply to this post. I know, I know that we shouldn't weigh ourselves everyday but not only do I weigh myself everyday but I do a similar morning ritual. The moment I get out of bed I weigh myself in the nude. Then I start doing the morning things: pee, brush teeth and hopefully a BM (bowel movement). If I accomplish all of that, I jump back on the scale before showering. After showering I go on with my day.
    Here is where I am somewhat different. Before I go to bed, there are a few stretching exercises that I do and I weigh myself again. I like to see what a difference a good night of sleep makes. I know that so many weigh ins might make it difficult to record. So, I made a certain weigh in the weigh in for record. Similar to someone's Sunday 11 am weigh in; I use Friday 5 am.
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    to be honest theirum, i sometimes weigh myself before bed as a reference point for the next morning, but i try not to, because i get so discouraged seeing how much my weight has come up with everything i've eaten and drank during the day.

    and like a few others, the daily weigh-ins don't actually count, they're just for interest's sake. i get weighed by my wellnes coach when i see her every week or two.
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