Any 1 eat a lot of West Indian food ?

Hi I joined last week and wanted to see people's diarys who eat a lot of West Indian food to see what kinda stuff is the healthiest to make ? When I was with slimming world they practically told me to stop eating it cuz it used up all my sins just frying it off lol

Is there anyone out there who can help ? My household can't live without it and I only kno how to cook things that are fried first :(


  • jazzypom
    jazzypom Posts: 13 Member
    I do eat West Indian food (Jamaican background).

    The healthiest stuff - rice and peas (kidney beans, brown rice, coconut cream), calaloo (spinach) that's steamed rather than fried. There is also steam fish and okra (instead of frying them both- but fried okra is nom). A lot of fruit juices - peanut punch (high in protein, but careful of the calories). Jerk pork (dry seasoned, done over a flame or under a grill). Loads of shredded veggies.

    You shouldn't have to shun fried food, I still have fried bammy (done in rapeseed or corn oil), but make sure I put them on paper towels to soak up the oil when done with them. Ripe plantains can be baked instead of fried (green plantains, you're just going to have to fry 'em, I think).

    For 'food' like yam, green banana or any 'ground' provisions, they can be boiled with a bit of salt or lime so that they don't become discoloured (especially yam). You can steam cod (after flaking it).

    Porridge is a good morning meal - cornmeal (polenta) with milk, a bit of sugar for sweeting and bay leaves.

    I think the problem with Caribbean food is not with the frying per se (I tend to fry bammies at least once a week, and I'm on for losing weight), I think it's the portions. I do know that in my neck of the woods, Jamaicans love their food, and the portions can be too big.
  • squatmami
    squatmami Posts: 58 Member
    Awh that's a really good suggestion about getting the excess oil off and yeah baked fish and salt fish would be perfect and I can make soup with green banana yam and dasheen (mabey lay off the dumplings) haha

    I'm totally gonna mk a peanut punch and have a bit everyday to up my protein !

    Thanks Hun x
  • ejbrin
    ejbrin Posts: 20
    I've actually been genuinely surprised at how few calories doubles have (only 300-350).

    I can't eat any calalloo though since I'm allergic to it.
  • yannimom
    yannimom Posts: 62 Member
    I agree on using the paper towel to soak up excess oil... and a lot of food that you fry can be baked. You can still enjoy west indian food but do portion control. I love beef patties and I usually eat 1 with 2 slice of yummy bread, I realize that was over 700 cals for that 1 meal... so If I MUST eat bread with my patty, i eat 1 slice. Good luck on your journey and I'll add you both to my friends list.
  • yannimom
    yannimom Posts: 62 Member
    P.S. I love love love dumplings lol, can't get them out my diet.. boiled dumplings are about 100 cals each for every 1/4 cup flour used.
  • squatmami
    squatmami Posts: 58 Member
    Awh yh I prefer boild over fried dumplings any day and they r well worth 100 cal loool
  • jazzypom
    jazzypom Posts: 13 Member
    There's always brown stew chicken (again, your protein) just don't go overboard with the white flour dumplins. You can make pumpkin soup (meat, ground provisions, pumpkin), and that's nice, and filling and not so much calories, since it will be more liquid than food. The trick is to just focus on your proportions. For instance, one bammy will set you back around 300 calories. So try to have half a bammy, and leave the other half in the freezer, etc until another time. Have that half a bammy with ackee and cod, and veggies and fill the rest of the empty spaces with loads of water. Drink water while you're eating, that sort of thing.